Signalling Unit (FSG)

For service and support with i-Telex, its components and teleprinters in general

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Signalling Unit (FSG)


Beitrag: # 18429Beitrag M1ECY »

One of the items required for Telex operation, that normally is not needed for RTTY is known as a signalling unit (in the UK) or an FSG in Germany.

These are very rare in the UK, I have only ever seen a handful of them, and all but 1 are in a museum.

So, for the UK teleprinters a problem exists - what to do when you cannot find one of these units?

Fred has written FSG - O - FSG firmware for the TW 39 cards - will this also work for the Double Current cards?

Is there a way that the interface card could provide switching of a relay to control the power to the machine?

Or, a more ambitious project, using the attached document, is there a way that the signalling unit could be simplified and made using modern components?
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669089 Siemen G - T100S Online 24H
299709 Antosh G - Creed 444 - Double Current R + D (0800 - 2100) and a bit tempremental
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Wohnort: Hitchin Hertfordshire, UK
Hauptanschluß: 669089

Re: Signalling Unit (FSG)


Beitrag: # 18555Beitrag M1ECY »

Some pictures of the signalling units commonly found in use with the Creed 444. For the cases where the machine has a dial integral to the Teleprinter, the control unit electronics are hidden in the stand!

Enjoy :)
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Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich beim Autor M1ECY für den Beitrag (Insgesamt 2):
669089 Siemen G - T100S Online 24H
299709 Antosh G - Creed 444 - Double Current R + D (0800 - 2100) and a bit tempremental
459724 NC

Topic author
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Registriert: Fr 11. Aug 2017, 13:13
Wohnort: Hitchin Hertfordshire, UK
Hauptanschluß: 669089

Re: Signalling Unit (FSG)


Beitrag: # 18567Beitrag M1ECY »

Perhaps a Schematic would be useful for the above unit
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669089 Siemen G - T100S Online 24H
299709 Antosh G - Creed 444 - Double Current R + D (0800 - 2100) and a bit tempremental
459724 NC

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