Netzteil T1000S defekt.


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Re: Netzteil T1000S defekt.


Beitrag: # 27875Beitrag kerk1v »

FelixF hat geschrieben: Di 16. Nov 2021, 20:42 Hallo Volker, der T1000 S hat m.W. 2 seperate Netzteile: einmal für Stand-by und einmal für den eingeschalteten Zustand. Ob beide ohne den Rest des T1000 eingeschaltet sind, weiss ich nicht.
Vielleicht kann da das Problem liegen, aber ich weiß es nicht genau.
Hallo Felix,

Das wuerde auch die zwei Trafos im Netzteil (einen grossen am Chassis, einen kleineren gekapselten auf der Platine) erklaeren. Ich vermute mal, dass ohne angeschlossenen FS der Teil fuer den "eingeschalteten" Zustand nicht aktiviert wird, deswegen passiert nichts

Ich werde jetzt mal die Werkstattsdokumentation zum T1000S studieren, vielleicht findet sich ja da der "aha"-Moment.

Volker, Benalmádena, Spanien
48822 sama e - Siemens T1000
61858 kli e (an PiTelex, nur Ausnahmsweise benutzen!)
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Re: Netzteil T1000S defekt.


Beitrag: # 27876Beitrag kerk1v »

M1ECY hat geschrieben: Di 16. Nov 2021, 20:10 Hi Volker,

I cannot speak from true experience of the T1000, because in the UK, we have different power modules.

However, the mains filter capacitors will possibly only show a true fault that will trip the FI if there is significant leakage to the ground path - perhaps when the power module is connected to the main board the circuit is completed?

Though, with experience in general of the switching supplies, it is possible that there are other faults that will give the same problem.

There is no problem in removing the suppression devices that go across the AC power connections, and then from AC power to ground - you must not bridge any of these.

If your electronic place of safety is only with low voltage circuits then perhaps you will need some support from more experienced engineers.

We can talk you through some testing and repair methods, but only if you feel safe to work with high voltage AC and DC circuits in your workshop.
Hi Sean,

Thanks for offering help. I am currently reading the workshop manual to figure out what could be wrong with my power supply. As it seems, there are two parts, a stand-by supply and a "powered on" supply. So, it seems that the "power-on" part in mine is failing, as my FI is only tripped when the supply is connected to the rest of the TTY.

From what I could see in the schematic so far, the mains filter capacitors are common for both power supplies. Would a "failure" condition on those be dependent of the current flowing through them, the "standby" current not causing them to short, but the "power-on" current doing so?

As far as attempting a repair is concerned, It's not that I am scared or afraid of mains voltage. I know how to work with 220V mains securely, have space to do so safely in my Workshop, I just don't have much experience doing so, hence any help where to look is welcome.

Another option would be to take the whole thing to an "Old School" electronics repair man and see if he would be willing to take a look at it and repair it at a sensible rate (hoping he enjoys this vintage tech as much as we all do) ;) . I am currently looking on the internet to find one of those guys nearby.

Thanks and best regards,
Volker, Benalmádena, Spanien
48822 sama e - Siemens T1000
61858 kli e (an PiTelex, nur Ausnahmsweise benutzen!)
AFu-Call: EA7KLK

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Re: Netzteil T1000S defekt.


Beitrag: # 27877Beitrag M1ECY »

Hi Volker,

I would say that the mains supression capacitors are fine then.

It is more likely in this case that you have shorted or partially shorted capacitors in the PSU start circuit - when it is disconnected from the main board, the start circuit remains inactive, but once the machine gives the signal to run, the main supply is activated, and BANG!

Suspect either low value (sub 10uf) 400V rated capacitors, or the bridge rectifier for the main supply, or even possible the reservoir capacitors prior to the power switching transistor in the primary circuit of the power supply.

I will look at the schematic later on tonight to see if I can see anywhere that might be worth checking.
669089 Siemen G - T100S Online 24H
299709 Antosh G - Creed 444 - Double Current R + D (0800 - 2100) and a bit tempremental
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Re: Netzteil T1000S defekt.


Beitrag: # 27878Beitrag kerk1v »

M1ECY hat geschrieben: Mi 17. Nov 2021, 14:36 I will look at the schematic later on tonight to see if I can see anywhere that might be worth checking.
Hi Sean,

Thanks for the help. I hope to get the T1000S running again, because I think it's a great piece of kit... It's so silent, much more than the regular T1000, and stands a really good chance to become my main machine...

Thanks and best regards,
Volker, Benalmádena, Spanien
48822 sama e - Siemens T1000
61858 kli e (an PiTelex, nur Ausnahmsweise benutzen!)
AFu-Call: EA7KLK

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Re: Netzteil T1000S defekt.


Beitrag: # 27883Beitrag M1ECY »

Hi Volker,

I cannot find a copy of the schematic for the PSU perhaps I am looking in the wrong place.

How are you getting on with it though?
669089 Siemen G - T100S Online 24H
299709 Antosh G - Creed 444 - Double Current R + D (0800 - 2100) and a bit tempremental
459724 NC

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Re: Netzteil T1000S defekt.


Beitrag: # 27888Beitrag kerk1v »

M1ECY hat geschrieben: Fr 19. Nov 2021, 09:33 Hi Volker,

I cannot find a copy of the schematic for the PSU perhaps I am looking in the wrong place.

How are you getting on with it though?

I´ve found a local electronic repair shop who is fascinated by the idea of rescuing a Telex machine. I guess that is the sanest and best option for now.

Best egards,
Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich beim Autor kerk1v für den Beitrag (Insgesamt 3):
Volker, Benalmádena, Spanien
48822 sama e - Siemens T1000
61858 kli e (an PiTelex, nur Ausnahmsweise benutzen!)
AFu-Call: EA7KLK

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Re: Netzteil T1000S defekt.


Beitrag: # 28366Beitrag kerk1v »


It seems the local electronic repair shop was able to fix the power supply of my Siemens T1000S. He just had to give it a good cleaning and redo some solder joints, it seems, no parts were broken or burned. I hope to pick it up today or tomorrow, so I will have something to play with over christmas
Volker, Benalmádena, Spanien
48822 sama e - Siemens T1000
61858 kli e (an PiTelex, nur Ausnahmsweise benutzen!)
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Re: Netzteil T1000S defekt.


Beitrag: # 28369Beitrag MKeuer1959 »

Hello Volker,

do you have an i-Telex-Number already?
Maybe i could stress-test your new device a bit :llach:

Kind regards

922692 krag d - Siemens T1000
522892 hhe d - Siemens T68D

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Re: Netzteil T1000S defekt.


Beitrag: # 28370Beitrag kerk1v »

MKeuer1959 hat geschrieben: Di 21. Dez 2021, 12:42 Hello Volker,

do you have an i-Telex-Number already?
Maybe i could stress-test your new device a bit :llach:

Kind regards
Na klar, wir haben doch schon geschrieben, aber nur auf der 48822 sama e, mein T1000 (ohne S)

Den T1000S hole ich heute oder morgen ab, wenn mir der Elektroniker Bescheid gibt, dass er alles wieder zusammen hat. Dann muss ich noch ausfunktionieren, welchen Anschluss (einfach- oder Doppelstrom) ich habe, und dann noch die passenden Karten fürs I-Telex beschaffen, und, und, und... Also das kann durchaus noch was dauern, bis der läuft.

beste Grüße,
Volker, Benalmádena, Spanien
48822 sama e - Siemens T1000
61858 kli e (an PiTelex, nur Ausnahmsweise benutzen!)
AFu-Call: EA7KLK

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Re: Netzteil T1000 defekt.


Beitrag: # 28471Beitrag CarstenManig »

Hallo in die Runde,

mein T1000 macht nix mehr.

Sicherung habe ich überprüft.

Er machtz die ganze zeit nur noch klack klack am druckkpf und anschalten löest er sich auch nicht mehr.

Netzteil war Heiß und lüfter aus.

was kann dasa sein???

MfG Carsten Manig aus Eisenberg
Beste Grüße,
Carsten Manig, Eisenberg
5215205 hdkm d (T1000)
242766 kasma d (T68)

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