Searching for scrap TW39 FSG Thema ist als GELÖST markiert


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Searching for scrap TW39 FSG


Beitrag: # 34421Beitrag M1ECY »

Hello all, I am looking for a scrap or poorly looking FSG - absolutely must not be functional.

It can be missing the telegraph relay, dial , even cables.

I am looking for this to use as a test and development unit for making FSG substitutes from modern and easily available components.

Does anyone here have such a sick device that is looking for a new home?

669089 Siemen G - T100S Online 24H Under Care and Maintenance
299709 Antosh G - Creed 444 - Double Current R + D (0800 - 2100) Should be reachable
459724 NC

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Re: Searching for scrap TW39 FSG


Beitrag: # 34426Beitrag TEHA »

Hello Sean,

I have something from Lorenz that I can't use.
If you just need the housing, you're welcome to that.
Without telegraph relay and without connector.

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Grüße von Thomas

97486 thkbg d - Lo15c (Hauptanschluß 24/7 online)
631276 ziabg d - Lo15b
622155a semi d - Lo15a
97205 thufr d - T37h
663727 kretz d - T100
643517 hys d - T68d
(Streifenschreiber - bitte nur Kurznachrichten!)
Lorenz Lo15b (Schmaltastatur)
Siemens T68f

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Re: Searching for scrap TW39 FSG


Beitrag: # 34429Beitrag DF3OE »

Sean, as you have seen on the pictures ;), I have plenty of FSGs, also some in bad condition.
henning +++

925302 treu d - T1000Z (Hauptanschluss)
55571 fvler a - T100S
210911za hmb d - T150 (Werkstatt)
218308 test d - T1000S/LS (Werkstatt)
925333 =treu d (Minitelex Sanyo SF100) defekt
Fax G2/G3: 05176-9754481 (Sanyo SF100 Thermofax) defekt

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Registriert: Fr 11. Aug 2017, 13:13
Wohnort: Hitchin Hertfordshire, UK
Hauptanschluß: 669089

Re: Searching for scrap TW39 FSG


Beitrag: # 34434Beitrag M1ECY »

Hello Thomas, Henning,

Thomas, Your FSG looks to be almost perfect condition, would be a crime for what I want to do - I think this device should be restored to operation. Certainly worthy of at least a modification to TW39 if no other use - I think there will be a better home than me for this device

Henning, Okay, this sounds even more reason to make a trip across the channel - I will have to see when or if crossing prices reduce (still at summertime prices)
Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich beim Autor M1ECY für den Beitrag:
669089 Siemen G - T100S Online 24H Under Care and Maintenance
299709 Antosh G - Creed 444 - Double Current R + D (0800 - 2100) Should be reachable
459724 NC

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