SEL Lo 2001 mechanism
Topic author - Rank 1
- Beiträge: 37
- Registriert: Di 18. Apr 2017, 20:02
- Wohnort: Černošice
- Hauptanschluß: 831831
- Kontaktdaten:
SEL Lo 2001 mechanism
hello henning, i am curious about principle of printing lo 2001. It is looking like dot printer, but i think it is not. Your museum pages i can't view - it looks there is some problem.
Re: SEL Lo 2001 mechanism
my answer got deleted. the lo2000 has a printing weel, well sorta. It's big (10cm) horizontal and spinning at high speed.
my answer got deleted. the lo2000 has a printing weel, well sorta. It's big (10cm) horizontal and spinning at high speed.
Topic author - Rank 1
- Beiträge: 37
- Registriert: Di 18. Apr 2017, 20:02
- Wohnort: Černošice
- Hauptanschluß: 831831
- Kontaktdaten:
Topic author - Rank 1
- Beiträge: 37
- Registriert: Di 18. Apr 2017, 20:02
- Wohnort: Černošice
- Hauptanschluß: 831831
- Kontaktdaten: