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Re: czech version of t100 set up
Verfasst: Do 5. Mai 2022, 21:52
von DF3OE
The fourth button at the German T100 is a bell control switch and VERY rarely connected at all. I think I have seen only ONE machine with a connected bell control button ever.
Re: czech version of t100 set up
Verfasst: Fr 6. Mai 2022, 10:15
von bandess
hello Wolfgang and Henning,
I connected the machine to the t39 board as Henning suggested. No the machine has some "noise" but still not working as it is shown on the video.
here you can check the video (hard to hear due to office noise but after pressing the button the nosie stops) ... sp=sharing
@Henning if the control unit is demaged what can we do with it?
thank you
Re: czech version of t100 set up
Verfasst: Fr 6. Mai 2022, 17:02
von WolfgangH
bandess hat geschrieben: ↑Fr 6. Mai 2022, 10:15
@Henning if the control unit is demaged what can we do with it?
find the problem and fix it.
I have not that much experience with teleprinters in general and your FSG in special, but I'm pretty confident that we manage it together with the help of some experienced forum members like Henning. I'm repairing at the moment also an T100s (Austrian version), so we can compare.
For the first step, please check if you have a schematic of your FSG. If not, please take a vew good pictures, so that we can see, what's inside your FSG.
Do you have a multimeter and are you familiar with it?
Re: czech version of t100 set up
Verfasst: Sa 7. Mai 2022, 10:53
von Andreasankl
Ich hatte bislang 2 Brno Maschinen zu Reparatur.
Bei den FSG sind die Hauptprobleme oxidierte Sicherungen.
Und der Papierkontakt schaltet nicht. Er wird über eine Stange gesteuert
und muss nach dem Papierwechsel entriegelt werden sonst läuft die
Maschine nicht.
Anbei einmal die Originalbeschreibung des FSG
und ein Bild vom Papierkontakt der befindet sich auf der Grundplatte
zwischen Drucker und Motor.
Re: czech version of t100 set up
Verfasst: Sa 7. Mai 2022, 18:49
von WolfgangH
To je zajímavé. Děkuji mnohokrát.
Re: czech version of t100 set up
Verfasst: Di 14. Jun 2022, 11:49
von bandess
thank you for everyone, I had a little delay due to other things kept me busy.
Yes we have a multimeter, we know how to use it but have no experience how to fix this t100.
I've made this gallery to view all parts of the machine and a little video to see its current condition.
Our first goal would be to run this machine and fix its mechanical and electronical problems. Any advice is welcome
thank you in advance: Andras
Re: czech version of t100 set up
Verfasst: Mi 15. Jun 2022, 21:19
von WolfgangH
Hello Andras,
thank you for sharing your photos. They tell me, that machine needs maybe some cleaning an oiling but is mechanically in good shape.
Have you already considered the hints of Henning and Andreas?
I was not aware about the paper contact in the Czech version of the T100. In the first step I would insert some paper and try again the local mode.
In the next step I would check the fuses.
Re: czech version of t100 set up
Verfasst: Do 16. Jun 2022, 16:42
von Andreasankl
Hallo Andras,
um an das Innenleben der Maschine zu kommen must Du
die Haube entfernen. Dazu die Schrauben 1-4 lösen.
Anschließend das Bedienteil (Wählscheibe) nach innen ziehen
und vorne am Fernschaltgerät einhängen.
Dann kannst Du die Haube nach oben abnehmen.
Anschließend die Maschine erst einmal im Lokalbetrieb testen.
Dazu müssen am Fernschreibanschlusskabel die Adern b (braun) und
W2 (gelb) verbunden sein. Das ist sehr wichtig, sonst fehlt
der lokale Linienstrom. Dann Papier einlegen und am Bedienteil
die Lokaltaste drücken. Es zieht das W-Relais (Freigabe des Sendekontakts)
und das M-Relais (schaltet den Motor ein) an. Wenn das nicht der Fall ist
zuerst die Sicherung 2 überprüfen. Die Sicherungen befinden sich unter
der weißen Kappe auf dem Fernschaltgerät. Ansonsten prüf die Spannungs-
versorgung am Kondensator C1, es sollen ca. 60 Volt vorhanden sein.
Überprüfe diese erst einmal, wenn das nicht funktioniert hilft es schon weiter
wenn Du schreibst z.B. Relais W zieht nicht an.
Relais Bestückung.jpg
Re: czech version of t100 set up
Verfasst: Mi 29. Jun 2022, 16:04
von bandess
thank you, I will manage to do these things and get back to you with the result.
Re: czech version of t100 set up
Verfasst: Sa 17. Sep 2022, 22:42
von levend
Hello Andreas and others in this topic!
I also manage to obtain a Czech T100 machine. It works just fine in local mode (after connecting W2-b), even punchtape read and print is working. But connecting it to iTelex is not really.
What I observed:
- If I connect the device to the TW39 card, the voltage across the poles a--c on the barrel connector drops to 0V
- I measure 38V between poles W2--C and W2--a, b--C, b--a
- After powering up the T100, none of the relays are engaged and the leftmost bulb on the FSG is lit up (circle with a dot). If I press this button, it remains lit up, but then the relay A engages, but nothing else happen. LEDs are dark on TW39 card
- If I press the rightmost button(circle next to a dot) then relay A disengages, no other relay engages, and while the button is pressed, the leftmost button bulb is extinguished.
Could you please advise on some next diagnistic steps?
To the other Andras from Hungary - I'm happy to help you installing this system once mine is working. I believe I'm the only one from Hungary who is at the moment connected to the i-Telex network. It would awesome to have a machine installed in your office too
Let's be in touch