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Re: Was alles nach "Dokumente und Anleitungen" speichern?
Verfasst: Di 24. Okt 2023, 22:04
von Rieben04
Menno, ich bin doch wieder verunsichert.
Wie informiere ich am besten, wenn ich interessante Dokumente gefunden habe, diese aber aus Unsicherheit/ Urheberrechtsgründen nicht hochladen möchte?
Kann ich die Info mit dem Link unter telexforum -> Fernschreibtechnik -> Technischer Support -> (sonstige Fernschreibtechnik) -> Teletype als Eintrag posten?
Re: Was alles nach "Dokumente und Anleitungen" speichern?
Verfasst: Di 24. Okt 2023, 22:31
von Alex
Schreib Werner eine private Nachricht.
Re: Was alles nach "Dokumente und Anleitungen" speichern?
Verfasst: Di 24. Okt 2023, 22:45
von M1ECY
When the Vintage Military Amateur Radio Society started publishing scanned manuals on the web, there was considerable research completed about this problem.
The solution was simple in the end - and this was backed by our government, who were the original publishers of most of these documents.
The scanned works are the work of an archivist - this new format that was not available at the time of publishing would be treated as a new work. The only condition that was imposed was that there should be no charge for the documents.
So, like Werner with all of the documents he has scanned, the work he has completed is his own, and he guards that sensibly.
A reasonable approach seems sensible - do any of the documents have commercial value to the author? does the original author of the work still exist? are the documents more than 50 years old?
If the answer is no, and the documents already exist in the public domain,then there should be no issue in publishing - if anyone crawls out of the woodwork and complains the documents can be taken down.
Re: Was alles nach "Dokumente und Anleitungen" speichern?
Verfasst: Di 24. Okt 2023, 22:47
von Alex
Unfortunately it’s not that easy in Germany…
Re: Was alles nach "Dokumente und Anleitungen" speichern?
Verfasst: Di 24. Okt 2023, 23:30
von M1ECY
Why does this not surprise me:)