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Re: RFT T-63
Verfasst: Fr 11. Nov 2016, 12:53
von DF3OE
As it is a "new" machine the carriage might be blocked for shipping somehow.
But unfortunately I have no experience with that.
Can you move the carriage manually?
Re: RFT T-63
Verfasst: Fr 11. Nov 2016, 13:20
von vladimir
DF3OE hat geschrieben:As it is a "new" machine the carriage might be blocked for shipping somehow.
But unfortunately I have no experience with that.
Can you move the carriage manually?
i cannot move it manually.
Re: RFT T-63
Verfasst: Fr 11. Nov 2016, 14:10
von Alex
What Henning said might be very likely.
New teletypes often had a mechanism that locks down the carriage so it cannot move during shipping and handling.
Usually it is one or more screws/bolts that lock the moving parts in place. See if you can find something suspicious.
Re: RFT T-63
Verfasst: Fr 11. Nov 2016, 15:29
von vladimir
There was a stopper on carriage rail.
But there are some printing errors.
When I press carriage return or line feed i have some random characters.
I need to refresh ink.
Re: RFT T-63
Verfasst: Fr 11. Nov 2016, 16:19
von DF3OE
Very good!
Refresh the ribbon with WD40 or spray oil.
For testing the machine use RYRYRYRYRYRY (inverse bit setting).
I am sure you need to lubricate the machine new after so many years of storage.
Use spray oil for sewing machines.
Maybe you also have to clean the transmitter contacts.
Re: RFT T-63
Verfasst: Sa 12. Nov 2016, 18:18
von vladimir
I have found another stopper. For shifting registers. But i have errors in printing.
And i released bolt on solinoid.
Now i can print without errors.
For experiment purpose i attached 32 volt DC. And it is working!
I have found a seller with RFT T-53(also unused). How can I connect t-63 with t-53?
here is the pic of stopper(copper metal thing).
Re: RFT T-63
Verfasst: Sa 12. Nov 2016, 23:36
von Martin
Hello Vladimir,
this time in english, so the other members of this forum are also able to read and understand it.
The best way to connect two teleprinters is to buy an i-telex system.
I hope to find some day an RFT T63 to write in russian, too.
You could be the first participant to test it and to tune up my russian.
Re: RFT T-63
Verfasst: Mo 14. Nov 2016, 12:51
von DF3OE
I have found a seller with RFT T-53(also unused). How can I connect t-63 with t-53?
The T53 is a tapereader. You connect it as a second transmitter in series with the loop. Normally the T53 should have only a and b contact
Re: RFT T-63
Verfasst: Di 15. Nov 2016, 14:24
von vladimir
Martin hat geschrieben:Hello Vladimir,
this time in english, so the other members of this forum are also able to read and understand it.
The best way to connect two teleprinters is to buy an i-telex system.
I hope to find some day an RFT T63 to write in russian, too.
You could be the first participant to test it and to tune up my russian.
Thank you, but it is very expensive.
DF3OE hat geschrieben:
I have found a seller with RFT T-53(also unused). How can I connect t-63 with t-53?
The T53 is a tapereader. You connect it as a second transmitter in series with the loop. Normally the T53 should have only a and b contact
Where can i get 4pin socket? The seller didn't have one.
Re: RFT T-63
Verfasst: Di 15. Nov 2016, 14:32
von DF3OE