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T1000 with an attitude !!

Verfasst: Mo 4. Mär 2019, 21:58
von Ruud
Hi everybody,

Today I have been testing the Siemens T1000 so I can recognise the different problems.

1. The tapepuncher keeps on punching when I push the litte button on top of the puncher, it only stops when I release it by pushing the button just below it.

Everything else is working and when I press the star key I get 22647 rbshk nl on tape.

I very much need help on problem 1. thank you very much.
I will be on board of the naval ship this whole week so can test your suggestions..

With kind regards,

Ruud (PD0RH)

Re: T1000 with an attitude !!

Verfasst: Di 5. Mär 2019, 10:27
von Ruud
Ich könte es auch in die deutsche sprache erklären.....

Re: T1000 with an attitude !!

Verfasst: Di 5. Mär 2019, 10:53
von DF3OE
Hello Ruud,

as from the answerback code it is a Telex machine with an interface for a Telex network,
very likely TW39 keyboard dialing or V.21, both systems were used in the Netherlands.
More I can say when I see the interface board/cartridge which is upwards in front of the power supply.

Normally the punch should start by pushing the upper button and same way (pushing again) it should
stop. The button below is for "run out" punch of letters code.
You can also start and stop the punch by using the "tape key" in the upper row of the keyboard.

Re: T1000 with an attitude !!

Verfasst: Mi 6. Mär 2019, 01:31
von Ruud
Hi Henning,

I have done and tried all you have said eccept the puncher keeps on spitting out letters and will not stop.

You are saying that the t1000 has an interface for a telex network, is this landbased??
I would like to use the t1000 for printing from a converter wich gets RTTY (Radio Tele TYpe) from a receiver.

greetz Ruud

Re: T1000 with an attitude !!

Verfasst: Fr 19. Apr 2019, 11:19
von nicodaenemark
Hallo Ruud

Jouw verreschrijver is gebruikt geweest in het Gentex net, en om meer precies te zijn : aangesloten aan de Rotterdamse centrale. Ik werkte vroeger bij Telegraafkantoor Den Haag, en aan het nummer (22647) kon je ongeveer zien waar hij thuishoorde. Rotterdam had nummers die med 21 en 22 begonnen. De hollandse machines die ik gezien heb, hadden allemaal een 40 mA current loop interface. Ik vertrok in 1969, dus het zou best kunnen dat er later andere standaarden kwamen

Nico (nu in DK)