I-Telex Documents in English

For service and support with i-Telex, its components and teleprinters in general

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I-Telex Documents in English


Beitrag: # 18426Beitrag M1ECY »

Hi All,

Seeing as there is some extra interest in the I-Telex System from other UK based Teleprinter owners, I have converted some of the original German Language manuals to English.

I claim absolutely no expertise in these translations - they were all carried out by machine, so may have some errors in translation. However, i have had a quick read through the documents, and I think the majority of the translation is good.

As time goes on I will collect any other I-Telex documents and convert them - they will all be uploaded in this thread.

If you are new to I-Telex, and have any questions, please feel free to ask - if I cannot answer them, I am sure that some of the other members can.

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Re: I-Telex Documents in English


Beitrag: # 18698Beitrag arvadateletypes »

Thank you Sean

Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich beim Autor arvadateletypes für den Beitrag:

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