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Verfasst: Do 2. Jul 2020, 19:49
von PaulHeller
As a new person (pease be nice), and a native English speaker who is trying to learn the technical German words, terms and abbreviations, what do FS, LS, and FSG stand for? I will guess that FS means fernschreiber.

This forum is full of abbreviations. It took a while for me to reverse engineer WR and ZV but I eventually got it.

It is funny to see some of the German words translated into strange English words. My favorite for the moment is “Walzendosen” which translates to roller boxes! :llach: I think it is called a jack in America, although the 1/4 inch jack used in the United States is much less sophisticated.

Is there a wiki or a post somewhere that defines all the acronyms and translates them to English? If not, I might start one!


Re: Acronyms

Verfasst: Do 2. Jul 2020, 19:52
von PaulHeller
PS: the above post is best viewed untranslated!

Re: Acronyms

Verfasst: Do 2. Jul 2020, 20:29
von M1ECY
FS Fernschreiber
LS Lochstreifen (Tape Punch)
FSG Fernschaltgerat (Control Unit)


Re: Acronyms

Verfasst: Do 2. Jul 2020, 20:59
von BjoernS
Hello guys

I added those to the Wiki's abbreviations page. It's German, but it might at least give you something to feed to the search engine of your choice.

Fun fact: As a native German speaker new to the field of telegraphy, it took me days to figure out "LT" (Lokaltaste or local button).

Best regards


Re: Acronyms

Verfasst: Do 2. Jul 2020, 21:10
von BjoernS
Well, just noticed: tape punch would be "Streifenlocher" -- Lochstreifen means "punched tape".

Which one is meant by LS, maybe "Lochstanzer"? (literally hole puncher)

Re: Acronyms

Verfasst: Do 2. Jul 2020, 21:59
von M1ECY
Ah, then perhaps Lochstreifen Sender makes more sense?

Re: Acronyms

Verfasst: Fr 3. Jul 2020, 12:30
von BjoernS
Yes, of course! :whack: Fixed.