- Transformator Board at the very right position (Slot 1)
- Power Supply board (Stromversorgung) directly left of the Transformator board (Slot 2)
The other boards can be placed freely at the remaining slots, usual configuration is:
- Ethernet board to slot 3
- TW39+Serial interface ("SPEZIAL") to slot 4
The blue screw connectors at the rear side of the backplane are directly connected to the slots on the other side.
As for the wires from the T100 i cannot give a clear indication, because i don't know the exact type..
This as the first steps...
Best regards,
Re: czech version of t100 set up
Verfasst: Fr 29. Apr 2022, 16:37
von bandess
Hello Fred,
Thank you for the answer. The main information would be needed how to connect the t100 to the blue screw connectors. If anyone knows please let us know.
Andras (bandess)
Re: czech version of t100 set up
Verfasst: Sa 30. Apr 2022, 08:07
von FredSonnenrein
Dear Andreas,
Do you have a "remote control unit" (german Fernschaltgerät) additonal to the T100? Something with an rotary dial? Or is a rotary dial included in the housing of the T100?
Take some pictures and we may see.
Best regards,
Re: czech version of t100 set up
Verfasst: Mo 2. Mai 2022, 14:20
von bandess
Hello Fred,
This is the machine, at the front you will see the 2 wires coming out at the back. One is for plug in to the power other would be to connect to backpanel.
Re: czech version of t100 set up
Verfasst: Mo 2. Mai 2022, 15:28
von DF3OE
Generally you should connect an original "Walzenstecker" plug and the matching socket again. But for test use you can
connect is as following:
white + yellow : to A14-A18 of the TW39 board
brown + green : jumper / connected together
Good luck!
Re: czech version of t100 set up
Verfasst: Do 5. Mai 2022, 11:47
von bandess
thank you for the help.
We realised that this machine has some basic problems.
as you see in this photo the typewriter part is stucked and can not be placed back to its original place.
The other issue is that if we try to set this machine to local mode (seen in this video at 1:47
our machine is not doing anything and the keyboard is not operating the typewriter and holecard is not being produced.
most probably your machine is not working in local mode since your "telex line plug" is not connected. This is indicated when your terminate connection button (German: Schlußtaste ST) lights up. Usually you have to short pin5 and pin6 at your line plug. But you neither have the plug nor the additional strands at your cable
Maybe you can short the signal lines of pin 5 and 5 within the "dialling unit" FSG. I hope I can check it at my machine and take a picture.
Re: czech version of t100 set up
Verfasst: Do 5. Mai 2022, 20:14
von DF3OE
the Czech T100 is connected with only 4 wires and normally "Walzenstecker" plug.
Unfortunately I would assume a problem with the relays in in the control unit.
Mechanically the Czech T100 is same as the original one but the the control unit (Fernschaltgerät) is CSSR made with
Eastern European parts, although original FSG NL schematic, but NO Siemens quality relays unfortunately....
Re: czech version of t100 set up
Verfasst: Do 5. Mai 2022, 21:15
von WolfgangH
thank you for clarification. I will keep the photos for documentation, they are not helpful here.
Usually there is a schematic glued on the inside of the backplane of the FSG. Maybe Andras can post it for verification. The FSG shown here has only three buttons in contrast to German and Austrian version.