Teletype M32 ASR - not printing but relays are clicking

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Teletype M32 ASR - not printing but relays are clicking


Beitrag: # 35315Beitrag kn4ucl »

Good morning! My i-Telex M32 was running great last night but this morning I have a small problem. Instead of printing I get just the sound of the relays clicking. I am assuming this is a Teletype issue but I really don't know :D

Any suggestions appreciated. Here's a video

(I also cross posted this at greenkeys)

Thanks everyone and seasons greetings! :thumbup:

i-Telex: 792029
Identifier: GKLDK HOU
Machine: Teletype Model 32ASR
Forum Nickname: kn4ucl
Afu Call: KN4UCL

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Re: Teletype M32 ASR - not printing but relays are clicking


Beitrag: # 35316Beitrag DF3OE »

Unfortunately I am absolutely not familiar with the M32 control unit.
As the machine receives all correctly at the receiving magnet the motor control (relay) seems not to work.

Does the motor start for an outgoing connection?

Seasons greetings also from Germany! :tree:

Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich beim Autor DF3OE für den Beitrag:
henning +++

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Re: Teletype M32 ASR - not printing but relays are clicking


Beitrag: # 35328Beitrag kn4ucl »

Thanks Henning - yeah, the motor does not start... so far I have cleaned the (Teletype) relay contacts and am waiting some replacement fuses from ebay. Will update when I am back i-Telexing!

cheers :D

i-Telex: 792029
Identifier: GKLDK HOU
Machine: Teletype Model 32ASR
Forum Nickname: kn4ucl
Afu Call: KN4UCL

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Registriert: So 3. Apr 2022, 03:18

Re: Teletype M32 ASR - not printing but relays are clicking


Beitrag: # 35746Beitrag kn4ucl »

Update: hello Telexers! After a few weeks of light use, the problem came back. I then repeated the procedure, but now after three relays cleansing sessions, I think I might have ruined the relay due to excessive filing of contacts. In the meantime Greenkeys folks are helping me to see if I can make adjustments to the relay and recover the situation. Will update! cheers... Andy
i-Telex: 792029
Identifier: GKLDK HOU
Machine: Teletype Model 32ASR
Forum Nickname: kn4ucl
Afu Call: KN4UCL

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