Low Level Signalling Converter

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Low Level Signalling Converter


Beitrag: # 47745Beitrag M1ECY »

I've been working on a low level signalling converter, in the hope that the "British T1000" can be persuaded to work with TW39.

This should then mean that UK owners of these machines will be able to do something with them.

For some reason a lot of ex military machines here in the UK use +/-6V for signalling, and there are limited options to interface this to I-Telex, or to anything elses for that matter.

I attach a copy of the schematic below - I have a set of boards on order, so will knock a prototype together and see if good results can be had.
6-0-6 converter.pdf
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Low Level Signalling Converter


Beitrag: # 47746Beitrag mjuhrig »

What kind of interface the British T1000 using? Look like RS232.

Thanks Mark
Beste Grüße Mark

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Low Level Signalling Converter


Beitrag: # 47748Beitrag obrecht »

+/- 6V sounds a bit like the V.10 protocol that can bei used by the german military teletypes TeKaDe FS 200? There ist a piTelex version that supports V.10, See
https://github.com/fablab-wue/piTelex/w ... e_V10RPiV2
Maybe this could be of interest for you?
But maybe I misunderstood your post.... Sorry in this Case.
Viele Grüße,

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Low Level Signalling Converter


Beitrag: # 47749Beitrag BertholdB »

Sean, there is a short on pin 1 and 2 of u1, maybe a drawing error.


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Low Level Signalling Converter


Beitrag: # 47750Beitrag M1ECY »

mjuhrig hat geschrieben: Mi 15. Jan 2025, 21:27 What kind of interface the British T1000 using? Look like RS232.
Yes, similar, but the signalling voltages are lower than true RS232.

Likewise, V.10 is also close, in fact the closest of all but there is still the problem of not having a suitable method of controlling the switching for use with I-Telex.

Pi-Telex, is really not a solution - there are too many problems with complicated programming and software challenges, coupled with the need for a fixed IPV4 Address - something that is almost impossible to get with the new Fibre internet being rolled out across the UK.

Berthold, Thanks, I have looked at that part of the drawing many times, thinking I have done something wrong here :) I will rectify this on version 0.2.

The idea is to build an external converter, then expand this converter with an electronic FSG, to ease the trouble we have in the UK for finding machines and control units - the British T1000 (TGN4) was never used in Telex service, these were all for the UK military, in use on ships for RTTY.
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Low Level Signalling Converter


Beitrag: # 47874Beitrag G8LHS »

Hi Sean,

As the owner of a UKNavyTGN4 (T1000) I'm looking forward to seeing how this develops. Why did you opt for TW39 to 6-0-6 instead of simply dropping the line voltage from 80-0-80 to 6-0-6?


934892 LHR G (T100)

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Low Level Signalling Converter


Beitrag: # 47881Beitrag M1ECY »

Hi David,

Simplicity really, coupled with the availability of TW39 FSG, and modern substitutes.

It also then will double for some of us that have RTTY converters that output TW39 - means being able to interface these TGN machines for on air use without needing the matching RN tone to 6-0-6 converter, and the a TTVN converter to plug between the receiver and tone converter :)

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