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Re: E-Mail-Gateway


Beitrag: # 40386Beitrag Zaphod »

Hi Detlef and thanks for another new Service and i hope you have your connection sorted! Apologies again for the English reply but hopefully the forum translation will do its thing.

I have registered 37210 for a PIN and see that that is a later addition.
From my basic translation of the commands, i thought the sequence of operation would be :
Connect to 11170
Enter PIN

then follow the rest of the sequence from Post#88>

"Simply log in to 11170 and enter “send mail”. You will then be asked for the recipient and subject.
The message is then entered in exactly the same way as with a broadcast transmitter and is completed with "+++" (Copy & Paste :D)
. Instead of the "@" sign, "(at)" is used.

However when i enter the PIN, i just get a repeated command (which to me looks like Enter a valid PIN number).

Is there a sequence of operation for the completed 'post testing' email system? I have read through the last few pages of this thread and thought i had understood it but i must be missing something.


37210 SYDS G (no answerback currently) - a newly rehomed T68 and coming soon, the return of the highly portable TeKaDe FS200 on a new number

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Re: E-Mail-Gateway


Beitrag: # 40393Beitrag detlef »

Helllo John,

After exchanging the answerback the services prints:
"eigene nummer mit 'zl' (neue zeile) bestaetigen oder korrekte nummer eingeben"
Here you have to enter or confirm your i-telex-number. Not the pin number. If the correct number is printed simply press 'new line'.
The pin number is requested after this.

I will change the text to:
"eigene i-telex nummer mit 'zl' (neue zeile) bestaetigen oder korrekte nummer eingeben"
In case anyone else gets confused. ;)

By the way: You can use the 11171 for the English version of the service.

Gruß, Detlef

i-Telex: 7822222 (T1000), 114288 (F1300), 211230 (T100Z), 96868 (T37), 24394 (T68d)
Konf.-Dienst: 11160/11161, Rundsender: 11162/11163 , Baudot-Bilder: 11166, Chat-GPT: 11168
Mail-/Fax-Dienst: 11170/11171, News-Ticker: 11180/11181, hist. Ausk.: 40140, Wetter: 717171

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Re: E-Mail-Gateway


Beitrag: # 40398Beitrag Zaphod »

Hello Detlef
Many thanks for your explanation and also pointing me towards the English version too. I have now managed to get onto the service and look at the options with HELP which works well and have successfully sent and received emails from my machine, though i have not received one that i sent from a .co.uk domain for some reason but will try it again.
Thanks for the great implenmentation, i was going to ask about getting an email firmware version for my iTelex as this is a great feature for fun and demonstrating machines but this service is much easier than messing with my iTelex! Many thanks for setting it up and running it.

Best Regards

37210 SYDS G (no answerback currently) - a newly rehomed T68 and coming soon, the return of the highly portable TeKaDe FS200 on a new number

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Re: E-Mail-Gateway


Beitrag: # 40401Beitrag detlef »

Zaphod hat geschrieben: Sa 14. Okt 2023, 23:32 though i have not received one that i sent from a .co.uk domain for some reason but will try it again.
I will check the log-files.
Zaphod hat geschrieben: Sa 14. Okt 2023, 23:32 Thanks for the great implenmentation, i was going to ask about getting an email firmware version for my iTelex as this is a great feature for fun and demonstrating machines but this service is much easier than messing with my iTelex! Many thanks for setting it up and running it.
The problem with the i-telex email function is the missing SSL support. The 8 bit controller can not handle this.
In Germany I do not know any email provider that does not demand SSL.
Gruß, Detlef

i-Telex: 7822222 (T1000), 114288 (F1300), 211230 (T100Z), 96868 (T37), 24394 (T68d)
Konf.-Dienst: 11160/11161, Rundsender: 11162/11163 , Baudot-Bilder: 11166, Chat-GPT: 11168
Mail-/Fax-Dienst: 11170/11171, News-Ticker: 11180/11181, hist. Ausk.: 40140, Wetter: 717171

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Re: E-Mail-Gateway


Beitrag: # 40402Beitrag Zaphod »

detlef hat geschrieben: So 15. Okt 2023, 00:23 I will check the log-files.
Thanks Detlef, i tried it again but it didn't go through though an @gmail.com email has arrived no problem.
detlef hat geschrieben: So 15. Okt 2023, 00:23 The problem with the i-telex email function is the missing SSL support. The 8 bit controller can not handle this.
In Germany I do not know any email provider that does not demand SSL.
Ahh i didn't realise that. Yes SSL was once optional, but is pretty much mandatory now here too.
37210 SYDS G (no answerback currently) - a newly rehomed T68 and coming soon, the return of the highly portable TeKaDe FS200 on a new number

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Re: E-Mail-Gateway


Beitrag: # 40403Beitrag detlef »

I can not find any email from .co.uk in the logfiles. Are you shure you sent it to telex@telexgate.de ?
Gruß, Detlef

i-Telex: 7822222 (T1000), 114288 (F1300), 211230 (T100Z), 96868 (T37), 24394 (T68d)
Konf.-Dienst: 11160/11161, Rundsender: 11162/11163 , Baudot-Bilder: 11166, Chat-GPT: 11168
Mail-/Fax-Dienst: 11170/11171, News-Ticker: 11180/11181, hist. Ausk.: 40140, Wetter: 717171

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Registriert: Mo 15. Mai 2023, 21:14
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Hauptanschluß: 37210 SYDS G

Re: E-Mail-Gateway


Beitrag: # 40410Beitrag Zaphod »

Hello Detlef,
That is odd, they all left my inbox and appear in sent items ok. I have attached the header of the last one including the Subject for reference, ,maybe i have made a mistake that i cannot see! :D

37210 SYDS G (no answerback currently) - a newly rehomed T68 and coming soon, the return of the highly portable TeKaDe FS200 on a new number

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Re: E-Mail-Gateway


Beitrag: # 40412Beitrag detlef »

Ok, I found the emails in the spam folder of telex@telexgate.de. I haven't had this problem so far. That's why I didn't take this into account at all. :D
I will check the spam folder too.
Gruß, Detlef

i-Telex: 7822222 (T1000), 114288 (F1300), 211230 (T100Z), 96868 (T37), 24394 (T68d)
Konf.-Dienst: 11160/11161, Rundsender: 11162/11163 , Baudot-Bilder: 11166, Chat-GPT: 11168
Mail-/Fax-Dienst: 11170/11171, News-Ticker: 11180/11181, hist. Ausk.: 40140, Wetter: 717171

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Re: E-Mail-Gateway


Beitrag: # 40415Beitrag RainerDD »

detlef hat geschrieben: So 15. Okt 2023, 00:23
The problem with the i-telex email function is the missing SSL support. The 8 bit controller can not handle this.
In Germany I do not know any email provider that does not demand SSL.
Doch, (mindestens) einen gibt es noch: www.smart-mail.de
Da gibt es auch ein kostenloses (d.h. durch Werbung im Browser finanziertes) e-Mail-Paket, auf das man per POP3 ohne SSL zugreifen kann.
Für die iTelex-E-mailfunktion (und nur dafür) habe ich dort eine Adresse. Es kam bisher dort kein Spam an und auch der Provider stellt keinen Spam ins Postfach ein. Für ernsthafte Dinge würde ich das nicht nutzen, aber es gibt jedesmal viel Spaß bei einer Fernschreiber-Vorführung, wenn ich jemanden dorthin eine e-Mail schicken lasse und der Fernschreiber dann losrattert.
Wie lange sowas noch möglich ist, weiß natürlich niemand, und darum finde ich es auch super, dass Du diesen Dienst ins Leben gerufen hast. Vielen Dank dafür!
Gruß aus Dresden - Rainer

61418 iga dd (RFT T51 - momentan nur Sa/So online)

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Registriert: Mo 15. Mai 2023, 21:14
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Hauptanschluß: 37210 SYDS G

Re: E-Mail-Gateway


Beitrag: # 40417Beitrag Zaphod »

detlef hat geschrieben: So 15. Okt 2023, 14:26 Ok, I found the emails in the spam folder of telex@telexgate.de. I haven't had this problem so far. That's why I didn't take this into account at all. :D
I will check the spam folder too.
Thanks Detlef, they have all arrived together now so all working. Many thanks for looking at this for me, i will give it another test later on.

Best Regards

37210 SYDS G (no answerback currently) - a newly rehomed T68 and coming soon, the return of the highly portable TeKaDe FS200 on a new number

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