Projekt piTelex - Vorstellung


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Re: Projekt piTelex - Vorstellung


Beitrag: # 30182Beitrag Baderbahn »

Hallo zusammen,

... Das war wohl nix... Sobald ich in der ./ (Erscheinen wie im letzten Code-Schnipsel meines vorigen Posts) irgendeine Taste auf dem Rechner drücke, bricht das Skript mit folgender Meldung ab:

Code: Alles auswählen


ALSA lib pcm.c:2664:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM cards.pcm.rear
ALSA lib pcm.c:2664:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM cards.pcm.center_lfe
ALSA lib pcm.c:2664:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM cards.pcm.side
ALSA lib pcm_route.c:877:(find_matching_chmap) Found no matching channel map
ALSA lib pcm_route.c:877:(find_matching_chmap) Found no matching channel map
ALSA lib pcm_route.c:877:(find_matching_chmap) Found no matching channel map
ALSA lib pcm_route.c:877:(find_matching_chmap) Found no matching channel map

Traceback (most recent call last):                                   |
  File "/home/sbader/piTelex/./", line 372, in <module>
  File "/home/sbader/piTelex/./", line 335, in main
    new_data = process_data()
  File "/home/sbader/piTelex/./", line 288, in process_data
    ret = out_device.write(c,
  File "/home/sbader/piTelex/", line 97, in write
    with open(self._filename, 'a', encoding='UTF-8') as fp:
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden: '/data/piTelex/data.log'
Achso: Am Mikrofoneingang liegt, sobald der Lo2001 eingeschaltet ist, dauerhaft ein Signal an - am Audioausgang scheinbar nicht - ist das so korrekt ?

Zu guter Letzt frage ich nochmal, ob piTelex auf einem "Raspberry Pi Zero-W 512MB" oder einem alten Modell B laufen würde :)

Vielen Dank und viele Grüße,
Viele Grüße,
Simon / Baderbahn

Genealogie Lo200X
723941 siemens stgt - Siemens T68d
27161 sbad d - Lo15a
27159 wogro d - SEL LO2001 | unter der Woche 7Uhe-, am Wochenende 9Uhr - 23:00Uhr erreichbar.
27170 sbad d - BONtelex | reine Empfangsmaschine, rund um die Uhr erreichbar

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Hauptanschluß: 362436 joeyd

Re: Projekt piTelex - Vorstellung


Beitrag: # 30183Beitrag JoeyD »


Yes I did receive a few responses!!!
As for Time and "waking" the machines are in another portion of the house so they they are not heard at odd/late hours.
The Cats HATE THEM!! LOL! I have a few security camera pictures of when the machine suddenly turns on and a cat
is nearby.... They Jump in the air it is VERY FUNNY!!

The Answerback does function sometimes intermittently it has a mechanical glitch,
The software answerback is also programmed but I think is set to false which is probably off?
I turned off the software one to prevent jibberish "Letter Salad" of two answering at the same time.
I do have two i-Telex numbers 227895 (Western Union 28ASR) and 2210762 (ST-35) both are in the directory
The 227895 the board is with Henning so has his IP at the moment. The 2210762 will be the piTelex number for now BUT I NEED TO CHANGE the IP on the server Fred has sent me this information.

BjoernS hat geschrieben: Mo 11. Apr 2022, 10:18 I could reach your machine successfully (hope I didn't wake you, the time zone issue clicked only when I read 3 AM :scratch:).
I couldn't trigger your answerback unit, does your machine have one? If not, you can simulate one using the telex.json option wru_id.
As for your "piTelex number", I need to elaborate on that a bit. Beside the original i-Telex hardware, piTelex is one possible client for the i-Telex network. So what you need is an i-Telex number, which you'll need to apply for with the i-Telex subscriber server (TNS) admins. :oldno:
Take care and enjoy your machine
Try to stay mellow like the Dachshund! :hehe:

362436: Teletype Model 26 Blatt 24/7
8675309: Western Union 2B Streifen 24/7
2210762: Soviet ST-35 Streifen 24/7
227895: Western Union 28ASR Blatt 24/7
227896: I-Telex Serial + WinTelex24/7

Rank 3
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Re: Projekt piTelex - Vorstellung


Beitrag: # 30184Beitrag BjoernS »

Moin Simon,

das Problem ist hier das aktivierte Logmodul, der konfigurierte Pfad existiert nicht. Der Standardpfad ist für das aktuelle Raspbian-Abbild konfiguriert, bei dir wäre eher etwas anderes angesagt wie z.B.


piTelex läuft auf fast allen Pis, solange du kein ED1000 brauchst. ED1000 läuft bei mir auf einem Pi 4B, ein 3er geht glaube ich auch. Bei den Zeros geht nur der neue (Zero 2W), soweit ich weiß. Da kann dir Jochen vmtl. definitive Informationen geben.

Ansonsten passt das: Auch mein ED1000-FS (ein T1000) gibt im Ruhezustand dauerhaft A-Pegel aus (die niedrigere Frequenz) und piTelex gibt standardmäßig nichts aus (lässt sich bei Bedarf anpassen, Option zcarrier).


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844767 twtr d

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Re: Projekt piTelex - Vorstellung


Beitrag: # 30185Beitrag BjoernS »

Hi Joey
JoeyD hat geschrieben: Mo 11. Apr 2022, 18:01 The Answerback does function sometimes intermittently it has a mechanical glitch,
The software answerback is also programmed but I think is set to false which is probably off?
I turned off the software one to prevent jibberish "Letter Salad" of two answering at the same time.
There are three options concerning the s/w answerback:
  • wru_id: Set to the desired id, or to "" if not needed
  • wru_replace_always: Set to true if your machine has no hardware answerback unit (so, in your case better leave it unset or set to false)
  • wru_fallback: Deprecated, no effect. Once had the opposite meaning of wru_replace_always.
If wru_replace_always is unset, piTelex will, on seeing an incoming WRU character, start a 2 s timeout and trigger the software answerback after that. If your hardware sends anything in the meantime, the timeout is cancelled no further action is taken.

If wru_replace_always is set, no timeout is employed and any received WRU character triggers the s/w answerback immediately.

Best regards

844767 twtr d

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Re: Projekt piTelex - Vorstellung


Beitrag: # 30199Beitrag JoeyD »


I tied the mechanical answerback lever back with string so it will not function (until I can fix it)
and I am now using the Software answerback instead. It works perfect every time!!

I have 2 numbers in the directory 227895 rings at Henning's he is preparing the i-Telex board for shipment to me.

My i-Telex number for the "pi-Telex" is now 2210762 you should not have to use the IP anymore it should work on the dial.
The answer back is "2210762 kgbhqjoeyd u"
Feel free to give it a ring it is located in a far room of the house so it is on 24/7. With the pi it is possible to put a Camera on the
Machine... Should investigate this!!

I have some questions on the pi-Telex...
The log can it be made to only make a copy of just the conversation and maybe the start time and end time??
As I look at the log it has every escape sequence and data packet... A bit much but is great tool to trouble shoot.
I would just want the simple text of the conversations in case any of the machines run out of paper.
The two Western Union Telex machines I have both have paper out indication and will turn off/out of service.
The Soviet machines I have are NOT sophisticated and just RUN OUT!!! This would cause loss of messages...
A log of the conversation would be nice.

I have looked at the timing of the baudrate and the the pigpio it appears this could be made to also run at
45 baud (Most US Machines are 45) I have 5 machines that are 50 baud which is what drew me to pi-Telex.
But I also have several other machines that are 45 75 or 150.
This would be great to make them all talk to each other. I know on the i-Telex boards you cant mix bauds for local/internal calling
But if the machines each had a PI they could theoretically exist as external numbers on an internal network.....
I just need to mod the pigpio and test this theory out!!!

2210762 JoeyD

the communication point to point the machines should not care as the internet takes care of the buffering.
Try to stay mellow like the Dachshund! :hehe:

362436: Teletype Model 26 Blatt 24/7
8675309: Western Union 2B Streifen 24/7
2210762: Soviet ST-35 Streifen 24/7
227895: Western Union 28ASR Blatt 24/7
227896: I-Telex Serial + WinTelex24/7

Rank 3
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Hauptanschluß: 844767 twtr d

Re: Projekt piTelex - Vorstellung


Beitrag: # 30203Beitrag BjoernS »

Hi Joey
JoeyD hat geschrieben: Di 12. Apr 2022, 07:37 A log of the conversation would be nice.
That's what I wrote the archive module for :D You'll need to enable it in telex.json like so:

Code: Alles auswählen

    "archive": {
      "type": "archive",
      "enable": true,
      "path": "/data/piTelex/"
Needless to say, you should change the path to something that fits your machine.

The archive module will log each and every connection into a single file inside the directory given. If you call the ./prettify-image-file script with an archive file as parameter it will display it "prettified" just like it'd look printed on a typical Telex machine with a two-colour printer, red for outgoing/black for incoming characters.
JoeyD hat geschrieben: Di 12. Apr 2022, 07:37 I have looked at the timing of the baudrate and the the pigpio it appears this could be made to also run at
45 baud (Most US Machines are 45) I have 5 machines that are 50 baud which is what drew me to pi-Telex.
But I also have several other machines that are 45 75 or 150.
This would be great to make them all talk to each other. I know on the i-Telex boards you cant mix bauds for local/internal calling
But if the machines each had a PI they could theoretically exist as external numbers on an internal network.....
I just need to mod the pigpio and test this theory out!!!
Yes, that should work as piTelex directly translates to the binary i-Telex protocol, which encodes whole characters and is thus independent of timing.

You don't even strictly need externally registered numbers, just create a userlist.csv which is kind of a local number directory (have a look at userlist_example.csv). Just add e.g. two-digit numbers with your internal IP addresses and it works. This is especially handy for testing (that's how I first contacted your machine).

The i-Telex hardware also supports local directory entries (accessible over the web interface), so i-Telex with one baud rate can talk to several piTelexes with different ones.

The only issue is the buffer -- sending with 200 Bd to a 50 Bd machine may cause issues, depending on what hardware the endpoints use. piTelex's buffers are practically unlimited and it will throttle sending speed if the receiving peer asks so. With i-Telex, IIRC, there is a 1k buffer limit which will last about 50 s with the aforementioned setup. But in normal cases, especially when typing by hand, i-Telex will handle this just fine. :yesyes:

Best regards

844767 twtr d

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Re: Projekt piTelex - Vorstellung


Beitrag: # 30207Beitrag JoeyD »

Perfect! I figured you probably had a log setup!
Was using "script mylog.log -a" but I had to remember to type it before executing ./
Your Archive method will be superior as I do not have to think about it everytime!

I am working on the code now for 45 baud. I will post here the process and progress.
Its is just a modification to pigpio. but involves recompiling and reinstalling pigpio.

Next another question...
I observed this link...
It states in the link..."2-sided PCB. Design files can be found in project folder /PCB/"

I can not find this /PCB/ folder anywhere in the "GIT" is it perhaps somewhere else?
I would like to make this PCB it would be a lot nicer than the breadboard I am using.
Try to stay mellow like the Dachshund! :hehe:

362436: Teletype Model 26 Blatt 24/7
8675309: Western Union 2B Streifen 24/7
2210762: Soviet ST-35 Streifen 24/7
227895: Western Union 28ASR Blatt 24/7
227896: I-Telex Serial + WinTelex24/7

Rank 3
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Registriert: Mi 6. Mai 2020, 21:25
Wohnort: Darmstadt
Hauptanschluß: 844767 twtr d

Re: Projekt piTelex - Vorstellung


Beitrag: # 30222Beitrag BjoernS »

Hi Joey

Jochen transferred most non-code files into the project -- you'll find the PCB files there.


844767 twtr d

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Hauptanschluß: 362436 joeyd

Re: Projekt piTelex - Vorstellung


Beitrag: # 30263Beitrag JoeyD »

For those with US Made teletypes running at 45 baud the pi-Telex can be made to run at 45 baud by modifying the pigpio install script to support 45

Here are the steps for a new pi.

For 45 baud follow the install instructions @

STOP When you get to....

"Install additional programs and libs with:"
(do the below steps INSTEAD of the Instructions)

sudo apt-get install python3 python3-pip
sudo apt-get install git
sudo apt install python-setuptools python3-setuptools
pip install commentjson
pip install argparse
cd pigpio-master
sudo nano pigpio.h
#!---NOTE:IN PIGPIO.H go to line 674 "#define PI_BB_SER_MIN_BAUD 50" and change to 45
#!---NOTE:IN PIGPIO.H go to line 680 "#define PI_WAVE_MIN_BAUD 50" and change to 45
#!---NOTE:SAVE modifications to PIGPIO.H


#!---NOTE:the make process can take a few minutes on a slow pi

sudo make install
cd ..

#!---NOTE:The "cd .." is important to get out of the pigpio-master directory.
#!---Continue the rest of the install as per the piTelex install instructions

sudo pip3 install pigpio

#!---NOTE: will state that the requirement is already satisfied "Its already installed"
#!---NOTE: After install if you are not already in piTelex directory

cd piTelex
sudo nano telex.json

#!---NOTE: Change your baudrate to 45 under "RPiTTY" and save
#!Congrats you are now at 45 baud!
Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich beim Autor JoeyD für den Beitrag (Insgesamt 3):
Try to stay mellow like the Dachshund! :hehe:

362436: Teletype Model 26 Blatt 24/7
8675309: Western Union 2B Streifen 24/7
2210762: Soviet ST-35 Streifen 24/7
227895: Western Union 28ASR Blatt 24/7
227896: I-Telex Serial + WinTelex24/7

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Re: Projekt piTelex - Vorstellung


Beitrag: # 30635Beitrag Z80User »

ich habe mir eben mal einen Raspi A+ / B+ aus der Bastelkiste wiederbelebt (Neue gibt es leider nicht mehr :mad: ). Leider komme ich mit der Installation nicht weiter. Nachden alles durchgelaufen ist, komme ich zum Punkt wo man piTelex das erste mal starten muss. Leider bekomme ich hier folgende Meldung nach der Eingabe von > -G im Verzeichnis /piTelex

>> commentjson could not be imported; loading configuration from telex.json may fail if there are comments inside

Ja da in der telex.json auch Kommentare hinterlegt sind gibt es einen Fehler in jeder Zeile mit Kommentar.

Ist das so gewollt? Was mache ich falsch? Kann mir bitte jemand Helfen - Vielen Dank!

Viele Grüße,
23819 hfrdbg d T100a (Ö-AGT 8:00 - 22:30)
4197113 advo d Lo133 (Ö-AGT 8:00 - 22:30)

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