Restoring Teletype Model 14

For service and support with i-Telex, its components and teleprinters in general

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Rank 12
Beiträge: 1409
Registriert: Mi 1. Jun 2016, 14:42
Wohnort: Aschaffenburg
Hauptanschluß: 97475 werner d

Restoring Teletype Model 14


Beitrag: # 13865Beitrag Werner »

Jochen and I are restoring a Teletype Model 14 Typing Reperforator, receive-only version. This unit was manufactured in the United States approximately from 1926 till the end of the 1940s.
The motor unit is currently under maintenance in a mechanical workshop.
In autumn I will report about this "excursion" to the history of teleprinting machines and pictures will be presented.

Verifiable owners of Model 14 please get in contact with me if you are looking for the service manual of this teleprinter (typing and non-typing version).

best regards
Viele Grüße :whack:

97475 werner d (Lorenz Lo133 Automatik) 7 - 23 Uhr
52880 sie d (Siemens T1200SD)
8869114 mpir d (Lorenz Lo133) 7 - 23 Uhr
68646 wirths d (Siemens T100S)
524211 dtmus d (Siemens T1200BS/MD) 24/7
11301 tst ab d (Siemens t68d)
7826491 =izi d (Minitelex) 24/7

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