Another Electronic Teleprinter for the collection

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Another Electronic Teleprinter for the collection


Beitrag: # 14824Beitrag M1ECY »

Seems I have another machine for the collection

This is a BT Merlin Super Cheetah.

I have all the original documentation, and service manuals, and this is a complete system, Keyboard, and printer

Works on V.21 for line connection, so I need to figure out how to get this onto I-Telex

It's a pretty soulless thing, but nice to find a British Electronic machine that might just work.

The PSU is full of lovely Rifa Dragons, so there will be little testing until I have replaced these.
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Re: Another Electronic Teleprinter for the collection


Beitrag: # 14825Beitrag DF3OE »

For I-Telex you will need a modified analogue modem board.
Not to throw away the unfortunately now useless modem boards we modified them for use as V.21 teleprinter ports. But only one port per board.
henning +++

925302 treu d - T1000Z (Hauptanschluss)
55571 fvler a - T100S
210911za hmb d - T150 (Werkstatt)
218308 test d - T1000S/LS (Werkstatt)
925333 =treu d (Minitelex Sanyo SF100) defekt
Fax G2/G3: 05176-9754481 (Sanyo SF100 Thermofax) defekt

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Re: Another Electronic Teleprinter for the collection


Beitrag: # 14826Beitrag M1ECY »

Okay Henning, I feel an order coming on :)
669089 Siemen G - T100S Online 24H
299709 Antosh G - Creed 444 - Double Current R + D (0800 - 2100) and a bit tempremental
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Re: Another Electronic Teleprinter for the collection


Beitrag: # 14827Beitrag M1ECY »

Power supply now out on the bench - given the relatively small number of capacitors on this supply, I will replace all of them, some of the electrolytic units are showing signs of distress, with the tops noticeably bulging.

Hopefully this will make the supply reliable for another 30+ years.

The back up battery for the memory had not been removed prior to storage - this is a problem, they have leaked and have contaminated the rear of the main PCB, as well as caused some corrosion of the communications sockets to the rear of the machine - this will need some careful cleaning to stop any further deterioration.

More pictures to follow later today
669089 Siemen G - T100S Online 24H
299709 Antosh G - Creed 444 - Double Current R + D (0800 - 2100) and a bit tempremental
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Re: Another Electronic Teleprinter for the collection


Beitrag: # 14828Beitrag dk6zk »

That doesn't look like a telex machine anymore, more like a PC! :suspect: ;)
Beste Grüße

211110 opdr d - LO3000 - Service: h24 (Hauptanschluss)
411265 maifk d - T1000S - Service: h24
416982 amafu d - T1000S - Service: z.Zt. offline


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Re: Another Electronic Teleprinter for the collection


Beitrag: # 14829Beitrag M1ECY »

hi Rainer,

Yes, it is very similar to a PC, the design is quite close, but the electronics are certainly not :)

I cannot post too much here - Henning will ban me for lack of gears and motors :)
669089 Siemen G - T100S Online 24H
299709 Antosh G - Creed 444 - Double Current R + D (0800 - 2100) and a bit tempremental
459724 NC

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Re: Another Electronic Teleprinter for the collection


Beitrag: # 14830Beitrag DF3OE »

M1ECY hat geschrieben: So 27. Okt 2019, 12:57
I cannot post too much here - Henning will ban me for lack of gears and motors :)
No worries Sean. I am curious if the machine has got a printer at least. :)
henning +++

925302 treu d - T1000Z (Hauptanschluss)
55571 fvler a - T100S
210911za hmb d - T150 (Werkstatt)
218308 test d - T1000S/LS (Werkstatt)
925333 =treu d (Minitelex Sanyo SF100) defekt
Fax G2/G3: 05176-9754481 (Sanyo SF100 Thermofax) defekt

Topic author
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Registriert: Fr 11. Aug 2017, 13:13
Wohnort: Hitchin Hertfordshire, UK
Hauptanschluß: 669089

Re: Another Electronic Teleprinter for the collection


Beitrag: # 14831Beitrag M1ECY »

Hi Henning, yes, this machine has a printer - As soon as I have the power supply board finished, I will post some better pictures of the complete system.
669089 Siemen G - T100S Online 24H
299709 Antosh G - Creed 444 - Double Current R + D (0800 - 2100) and a bit tempremental
459724 NC

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Re: Another Electronic Teleprinter for the collection


Beitrag: # 14844Beitrag tw137125 »

Hi Sean,

nice teleprinter. The monitor looks like an old qume terminal.
Is there a microprocessor in the teleprinter or has the system special integrated circuits like in the siemens t1000 teleprinter ?

Please provide more photos. ^^


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