Ham Radio 2023

Anything that isn't support related

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Ham Radio 2023


Beitrag: # 37456Beitrag M1ECY »

Just over a month to go before the best event of the year.

If there is anything in the UK that is not too big,and can get to my home address by June 18th could be transported to FN. At the moment I will be travelling empty, other than some refreshments for the weekend, and essential camping equipment.

For the return trip, I may be able to transport items from FN back to the UK,but please be aware, there may be customs issues - but I am happy to transport smallish items (that are legal to import to the UK)

I have no plans to be returning fully loaded with "Junk" like I may have done in the past :)

Please feel free to contact me directly with any needs,
Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich beim Autor M1ECY für den Beitrag:
669089 Siemen G - T100S Online 24H Under Care and Maintenance
299709 Antosh G - Creed 444 - Double Current R + D (0800 - 2100) Should be reachable
459724 NC

Rank 3
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Registriert: Mi 13. Nov 2019, 11:26
Hauptanschluß: 35822 STIKO NL

Re: Ham Radio 2023


Beitrag: # 37486Beitrag deBart »

Generous offer Sean. I have nothing to request for either leg of your trip, but you know what FN can do to spare storage space...
BartW. +++

35822 STIKO NL - FS220 + Fsg T56
42223 CMVZW NL - T100 mit Fsg 100 TL
T1000Z - Lauft (noch lange) nicht :coffee:

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