Back to the roots

Hier kann jeder eine kurze Vorstellung über sich verfassen ...

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Back to the roots


Beitrag: # 41849Beitrag SO36Tlx »

Da man im Video der SAQ-Weihnachtssendung einen Hell-Geber arbeiten sah, wollte ich doch zu gerne wissen, wie die Aktion gelaufen ist und fragte nach:

Hello Frederik,

So how did it go? Was the device you received really the device you were looking for? I didn't see it myself before it was shipped.

A "Hell" device is running in your video. Was that yours? Were you able to repair it with parts from the device you sent?
Or was the “new” device repaired with parts from your device?

It would be nice if we could receive prompt feedback after such an action. The current technology donor group
(Euer Bild eingefügt)
is definitely waiting for feedback on this special campaign...

Best regards


Hello Andreas,
Again, many thanks for arranging for the Hell punched paper reader to be sent to us.
Yes, it is identical to the one we already have.
There was absolutely no time to do any repairs on our existing reader, so close to Christmas.
We don't want to take any unnecessary risks, so the reader you saw on the video was our existing one.
I was at the station already just after 6:00 in the morning och Christmas Eve and immediately started the reader which took more than 30 minutes to heat up to function properly.

Now, after the Christmas transmission we will be able to have a deeper look into it and hopefully get a fully functional reader until the next transmission (no schedule is available yet).

Give our best regards to all involved!
We will keep you updated with the progress of the repairs.

Kind regards,
Fredrik / Alexander association

Also auch von mir nochmals vielen Dank an die Helfer/Spender und hoffen wir, das SAQ noch lange auf Sendung bleiben kann :yesyes:

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Beiträge: 122
Registriert: So 20. Sep 2020, 21:36
Wohnort: Berlin

Back to the roots


Beitrag: # 44342Beitrag SO36Tlx »

Hallo Heinz,
nochmals vielen Dank für Eure phantastische Hilfe bei der Beschaffung eines Hell-Gebers für die Kollegen vom SAQ.
Speziell die Seite 6 der aktuellen Alternatorn ist daher Euch gewidmet! :yesyes: ^^
Alternatorn 2024-2_EN.pdf
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