Fernschreiber questions

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Fernschreiber questions


Beitrag: # 15884Beitrag la5wra »


I'm happy to discover that there is a community which sees the beauty of old teleprinters.

I was donated two ("fjernskrivere" in norwegian) teleprinters yesterday. One Siemens T.typ.37h (Fs Sk 2176/10) and one Siemens Fernschreiber 100 (L 22211-A100-G478).

The first thing that came into my mind, was to connect it to a Raspberry Pi with a homebrewed (or bought) serial->current loop interface, and make python program to fetch twitter/email/whatever and print it out.
After looking around on your webpage, i found out its more into it than that. Since its twenty years since i had german at school, i just understand pieces of the information.
I would be very thankfull if someone in the forum could kick start me on what my options are.

BTW: I dont have TW39.

LA5WRA, Tobias.

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Re: Fernschreiber questions


Beitrag: # 15885Beitrag DF3OE »

Hi Tobias,

welcome to the wonderful world of noisy communications :)

Well, you are welcome to join the meanwhile world wide i-Telex network that we have developed for about last 10 years now.

i-Telex is a hobby telex network and a 100% replacement and kind of emuluation (but that word describes it not really completely) of the former
original international Telex network,
as close as possible to the original. Both technically and also in operating.
It is a modular system and the hardware is the modern way of a former Telex switching center in shoebox size. ;)

Meanwhile various members of the 200+ group offer also historical correct value added services like up to date news from
the German Weather Service or download services for the subscibers list/rooster etc. that you can directly dial up from your
own i-telex station.

Yes, at the moment you just have a line current machines but with adding a dialling box or remote control box (German Fernschaltgerät) you will have TW39 ;)
Such dialling boxes (Fernschaltgeräte) can be obtained from us here in Germany.

Feel free for any further questions.

Have fun!

Henning DF3OE
henning +++

925302 treu d - T1000Z (Hauptanschluss)
55571 fvler a - T100S
210911za hmb d - T150 (Werkstatt)
218308 test d - T1000S/LS (Werkstatt)
925333 =treu d (Minitelex Sanyo SF100) defekt
Fax G2/G3: 05176-9754481 (Sanyo SF100 Thermofax) defekt

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Re: Fernschreiber questions


Beitrag: # 15893Beitrag la5wra »

Thanks for your reply!

The donor came with another box today, i cant find any information about it on the internet. I don't know if it has something to do with teleprinter or if it a signal generator for something else. Maybe you guys have seen one before. Pictures attached.


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Registriert: Di 7. Jun 2016, 09:45
Wohnort: Edemissen - Blumenhagen
Hauptanschluß: 925302 treu d

Re: Fernschreiber questions


Beitrag: # 15895Beitrag DF3OE »

This is an ancient teleprinter transmitter measuring equipment.
It is kind of optical.
It is needed for adjusting the transmitter contacts .

But it is more an collector's item.
Nowadays, if really needed, you do that with a standard oscilloscope or the
successor of your item which also uses an oscilloscope valve.
henning +++

925302 treu d - T1000Z (Hauptanschluss)
55571 fvler a - T100S
210911za hmb d - T150 (Werkstatt)
218308 test d - T1000S/LS (Werkstatt)
925333 =treu d (Minitelex Sanyo SF100) defekt
Fax G2/G3: 05176-9754481 (Sanyo SF100 Thermofax) defekt

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Re: Fernschreiber questions


Beitrag: # 17073Beitrag la5wra »

Any ideas why it wont change to numbers?

https://www.dropbox.com/s/giixif0vhims6 ... 7.MOV?dl=0

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Re: Fernschreiber questions


Beitrag: # 17079Beitrag la5wra »

I'm trying to clean the contacts to see if that helps, and when i looked in the spare partsmanual I realized that I'm missing the namengeberwalze. Is that a problem?

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Re: Fernschreiber questions


Beitrag: # 17080Beitrag M1ECY »

Hi, Are you pressing the numbers button to tell the machine that it needs to change? I am fairly certain that the machine has such a key.

I guess you are missing the answerback drum?

669089 Siemen G - T100S Online 24H
299709 Antosh G - Creed 444 - Double Current R + D (0800 - 2100) and a bit tempremental
459724 NC

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Re: Fernschreiber questions


Beitrag: # 17081Beitrag la5wra »

When i'm pressing the button for numbers, the wagon goes down, but jumps back in upper posisiton. Sometimes when i fiddle around with other caracters it goes in lower position.
I have used Jochen Krapf's circuit to build a 24V 40mA interface.

When i operate the machine, i can't switch to numbers. Also when i take Carriage return, it does not go all the way. Only 4-5 cm. Rest of the functions seems to work, but not stable all the time.
When i operate from piTelex screen, it writes chars, but its just like the translation from UTF-8 to ITA2 fails. It's writing something complete different than what i write.

I have tried to increase voltage to 30V, without any luck. I have also cleaned the contacts.

My next step is to try to find a way to translate the manual for T37h from german to english, and try to find out what i'm missing. After that, take another round on contacts, and send/receiver coils and mechanism.

Beiträge: 3426
Registriert: Di 7. Jun 2016, 09:45
Wohnort: Edemissen - Blumenhagen
Hauptanschluß: 925302 treu d

Re: Fernschreiber questions


Beitrag: # 17083Beitrag DF3OE »

Generally for older machines such as Lo15 and T37 a line voltage of minimum 60V is recommended for proper operation.
24 or 30V is no big difference...

The original line voltage was even 120V ;)
henning +++

925302 treu d - T1000Z (Hauptanschluss)
55571 fvler a - T100S
210911za hmb d - T150 (Werkstatt)
218308 test d - T1000S/LS (Werkstatt)
925333 =treu d (Minitelex Sanyo SF100) defekt
Fax G2/G3: 05176-9754481 (Sanyo SF100 Thermofax) defekt

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Registriert: Fr 24. Jan 2020, 10:37

Re: Fernschreiber questions


Beitrag: # 17091Beitrag la5wra »

With my current setup i can only achieve 55V, which i tried now with no luck. Same behavor. I have read that running without FSG is less voltage demanding?

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