ADO steckerbelegung siemens T1000 Thema ist als GELÖST markiert


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ADO steckerbelegung siemens T1000


Beitrag: # 25966Beitrag Ruud »

Is there anyone who can give me a pinout for a Siemens T1000 ADO8 connector.

It is for 60v linecurrent and the pins for rtty signals coming from a converter.

73 and with kind regards,

Ruud PD0RH

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Re: ADO steckerbelegung siemens T1000


Beitrag: # 25967Beitrag dh0jsv »

Hello Ruud,

1-4 line
2-3 Bridge
5-6 Bridge.

But the most of T1000 has a ED1000-Interface (frequencies), not for current-loop!

73 de Sven
Sven, DH0JSV
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Re: ADO steckerbelegung siemens T1000


Beitrag: # 25968Beitrag Ruud »

Hi Sven,

As I wrote earlier in this forum my intention is to use the T1000 fot reception of weather messages from Hamburg. This is done on board of former minesweeper Hoogeveen in Den Helder.

THe T1000 has been used on RTTY radio frequenties before, so my question is if your pinout list is for i-telex use or for use with a rtty converter comparator.

Tks for your hepl and reply...

73 Ruud PD0RH

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Re: ADO steckerbelegung siemens T1000


Beitrag: # 25970Beitrag henkie »

I can try to clarify that (in Dutch).
De meeste T1000's hebben niet een current loop interface, maar gebruiken twee toontjes. Die toontjes hebben niets met de bekende mark/space (shift) frequenties te maken! Als je even zoekt op dit forum kan je de frequenties die gebruikt zijn wel vinden. Ik weet ze niet uit mijn hoofd.
Op de AD08 moet je pin 2 en 3 met elkaar doorverbinden. Verder moet je pin 5 en 6 met elkaar doorverbinden.
Pin 1 en pin 4 zijn voor de current loop OF de aansluiting voor het "toontjes" signaal. Dat toontjes signaal interface heet ED1000.
Dus je moet eerst uitzoeken of jouw T1000 een current loop of een ED1000 interface heeft.
Als je voor de telex staat (met de kap eraf) zit achterin aan de linkerkant onder de printer een print verticaal gemonteerd met een of twee trafootjes erop, of er zit een "blikken doos". In het eerste geval is het current loop, in het tweede geval is het ED1000.
Maak voor de zekerheid wat foto's en post ze hier. Dan kunnen de experts er naar kijken.

Maar, zoals je aangeeft heeft de T1000 vroeger inzet gehad voor RTTY, dus zal hij wel current loop zijn. BTW, ik heb ook een T1000 met current loop!

Henk, PA8PDP

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Re: ADO steckerbelegung siemens T1000


Beitrag: # 25971Beitrag Ruud »

Hoi Henk,

Ontzettend bedankt voor deze uitleg, hier kan ik zeker wel wat mee...

Even voor mijn beeldvorming.....op 1 en 4 komt dus de current loop (is dit dan de lijnspanning van 60v gelijk?? Op welke pin komt dan de plus en de min?) Op welke pinnen komt dan het signaal van de telexconverter/comparator? Je kunt even kijken op waar ik een verhaal heb geschreven over de Hoogeveen en wat we willen in de Radiohut. Op deze site komt geen verdere toevoeging meer tenzij de redactie hierom vraagt. Ik heb de website een tijdje in beheer gehad maar ben daar mee gestopt. In de toekomst hoop ik mijn geschrijf op kwijt te kunnen dit is de site waar het om gaat met betrekking tot de ex mijnenveger Hoogeveen.

Bedankt voor je uitleg en info Henk......we houden contact als je dat goed vindt.

73 Ruud PD0RH

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Re: ADO steckerbelegung siemens T1000


Beitrag: # 25972Beitrag dk6zk »

Hello Ruud,

as far as I'm able to read Dutch language, Henk already gave a lot of infos.
Here are some more hints to get the T1000 working with RTTY...

Do you talk about the T1000 machine presented two years ago in this thread:
Ruud hat geschrieben: Do 10. Jun 2021, 08:53 ....., so my question is if your pinout list is for i-telex use or for use with a rtty converter comparator.
This is the wrong question, the pinout has nothing to do with either (i-)Telex or RTTY!
The characters used are the same with both applications (International Telegraph Alphabet No. 2)..

So the right question should be: What kind of interface/technique is needed to connect this specific T1000 with a RTTY-converter??

As you wrote this machine was already used with RTTY and has a 40mA interface, first step is to get the machine to the online-mode. That means to switch it on from outside via the ADoS8-plug by giving a "line current" to pin1 and pin4. (Wire bridges between pin2+3 and pin 5+6 should be established)

If you are not sure about the type of interface, at first ensure that NO MODIFICATIONS have been made to the interface assemblies inside the machine. (Radio amateurs like to modify everything !! :hehe: )
For this purpose, STT and LAT PCBs have to be extracted and examined, make photos and show us here.
How to extract the PCBs you'll find in the document "T1000_Ausbauanleitung.pdf" on PDF pages 13 to 15, download here:

And please tell us the complete type numbers of the modules written on both sides of the PCB or make detailed pictures. This helps identifying the kind of interface used in your T1000!

If you are sure about the 40mA-interface, proceed as follows:

Connect a variable voltage power supply (at least 30V) and a resistor (220-470 Ohms, 1Watt) in series to pin 1+4, measure the current by means of a multimeter and increase voltage. Sometime the current should incease, too.
At a level of about 20 -30 mA the machine should turn on...

Now the disconnect button
should light up and you are able to write on the keyboard (50 Baud).
If not, change polarity and try again.

If everything works as described, your RTTY-converter has to deliver 40mA at 30-60V...

If no current comes up with both polarities and the machine doesn't react any way, you may have a tone interface.
Check that by means of a high-Z headphone (1000-4000 Ohms) on pin 1+4 of the ADoS8 plug.
In case of a tone interface a converter from voltage/current of the RTTY equipment to tone is necessary.
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Beste Grüße

211110 opdr d - LO3000 - Service: h24 (Hauptanschluss)
411265 maifk d - T1000S - Service: h24
416982 amafu d - T1000S - Service: z.Zt. offline


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Re: ADO steckerbelegung siemens T1000


Beitrag: # 25974Beitrag Ruud »

Hi Rainer,

First of all, tks for the reply and useful information. Yes it is the same question and "problem" as stated in your text and yes due to corona the whole project has been on a standstill until now. I have found the signals from the converter and also I have found the current loop power supply. I have to do some work on it because it gives around 70v DC. I am planning to change out 2 electrolytic capacitors and after this is done I am going to try to adjust the DC voltage. Next time when I am on board of the ship I will make some pictures of the inside of the T1000. The reply from you and Henk are very much appreciated thank you both for the given information, I really can make use of this.

I will place the pictures in this thread when I have them.

73 Ruud PD0RH

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Re: ADO steckerbelegung siemens T1000


Beitrag: # 26368Beitrag Ruud »

Hi Rainer,

I have taken a look at the inside of de T1000 and in the back I see a verical PCB with 2 gray transformers. So according to Henk's information the T1000 works with current loop. Now I have to know on wich pins the of the ADO8 plug the current loop has to go and also the signals from the RTTY converter.
Then the T1000 should print the weather telex from Hamburg at 50Bd...
I took some pictures but I am not allowed to post them here on the forum....

Greetzzzz Ruud

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Re: ADO steckerbelegung siemens T1000


Beitrag: # 26371Beitrag DF3OE »

Two grey transformers might indicate it as a double current machine.
henning +++

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Re: ADO steckerbelegung siemens T1000


Beitrag: # 26380Beitrag Ruud »

HI Henning,

What does that imply, I have repaired a currentloop transformer wich provides +68v and -68v....

Mfg Ruud

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