T100s ZFM function


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T100s ZFM function


Beitrag: # 43197Beitrag M1ECY »

Hello All,

I have a problem with my T100s and the ZFM function (Two Colour Printing for those no knowing the abbreviation)

Mechanically if I hold the control bar to the rear of the machine I can get black printing, but standard, for both incoming and outgoing text is currently red - this is not correct - Incoming text should be black.

The ribbon is of course inserted correctly.

I think the issue is electrical, but as most of us mere mortals are not used to trying to decipher the wiring diagrams of the Telecommunications master of Germany.

Could someone explain how the ZFM system is working electrically within the T100S - it must be a fialry simple circuit, after all it is only switching current to a solenoid coil, but there is so much going on in this machine I quickly get lost searching for the control circuits - I really do not want to completelt strip the machine just to trace wiring :)

Any help gratefully received.

669089 Siemen G - T100S Online 24H Under Care and Maintenance
299709 Antosh G - Creed 444 - Double Current R + D (0800 - 2100) Should be reachable
459724 NC

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Hauptanschluß: 669089

T100s ZFM function


Beitrag: # 43207Beitrag M1ECY »

Problem solved - In the end it was mechanical.

Referring to the screenshot from the service manual, I have highlighted a very small spring.

This was detached - the lever site behind the ZFM solenoid, and acts as a gate to allow the colour change bar to activate - with this spring detached, the solenoid has nothing to act against.
Screenshot 2024-03-18 064039.png
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669089 Siemen G - T100S Online 24H Under Care and Maintenance
299709 Antosh G - Creed 444 - Double Current R + D (0800 - 2100) Should be reachable
459724 NC

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T100s ZFM function


Beitrag: # 43211Beitrag duddsig »

Moin Sean,
Ich habe das gleiche Problem an einm T100 und an einem T100S. Habe wegen dem momentan schönen Wetter erst mal aufgehört weiter zu suchen. Elektrisch ist bei mir alles in Ordnung, deshalb habe ich den Fehler auch auf der mechanischen Seite vermutet. Ich denke ich muß genau an dieser Stelle weitersuchen. Mal schauen, wenn das Wetter wieder schlechter wird....
1=T51✦7977457 knawu d
2=T100 ✧7262124 keba d , ✧de afbirq nj
3=T63 ✦48936 t63 pl, ✦87724 ksbo dd
4=AB ✦512283 rfta dd
5=T36Lo ✦15199 tentstoer
6=Lo15 ✦711 pruef att DuWa=711711
7=T51 ✦34131bf dr z.Z. offline
8=T63 ✦512283 rfta dd

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