Multiple I-TELEX calling Numbers - Teletype Model 15


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Multiple I-TELEX calling Numbers - Teletype Model 15


Beitrag: # 46545Beitrag bambi »

1. Could a member please tell how Multiple I-TELEX calling Numbers are possible please?
2. I have a 45 baud Teletype Model 15. Do I need any special hardware to connect this with I-TELEX?
Thank you
-byes- bambi:

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Multiple I-TELEX calling Numbers - Teletype Model 15


Beitrag: # 46551Beitrag obrecht »

If you are looking for a broadcast service, you might try the services under 11152 or 11163 (both in english, handling and options vary). They allow you to send a telex message to multiple recipients.
Viele Grüße,

71920 actelex d  24/7  (T68d)
833533 rolfac d  24/7  (T100S) 
833538 obrac d   24/7  (FS220)
833539 fili d    24/7  (T100a) 
833540 rowo d    24/7  (T100/R) 
833541 obby d    24/7  (T37h)
833142 rolf d    24/7  (Lo15A) 

Rank 7
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Registriert: Fr 26. Jun 2020, 18:53
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Hauptanschluß: 833539 fili d

Multiple I-TELEX calling Numbers - Teletype Model 15


Beitrag: # 46552Beitrag obrecht »

bambi hat geschrieben: Di 29. Okt 2024, 07:37 2. I have a 45 baud Teletype Model 15. Do I need any special hardware to connect this with I-TELEX?
Thank you
-byes- bambi:
With piTelex, this requires just an entry in the config file "telex.json". Don't know how the original i-telex can handle this.
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Viele Grüße,

71920 actelex d  24/7  (T68d)
833533 rolfac d  24/7  (T100S) 
833538 obrac d   24/7  (FS220)
833539 fili d    24/7  (T100a) 
833540 rowo d    24/7  (T100/R) 
833541 obby d    24/7  (T37h)
833142 rolf d    24/7  (Lo15A) 

Topic author
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Registriert: Mi 19. Okt 2022, 04:57
Hauptanschluß: 27387

Multiple I-TELEX Numbers - Teletype Model 15


Beitrag: # 46553Beitrag bambi »

I am sorry my message was not clear.

I am asking about the telex numbers that members seem to have for each of their machines.
I have a few terminals but I have only one I-Telex number.
Do I need extra hardware?
Thank you

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Multiple I-TELEX calling Numbers - Teletype Model 15


Beitrag: # 46555Beitrag DF3OE »

Every internal port can get routed from externally by its own number.
But your different machines have to be connected to its own port at the i-Telex system.

Latest i-Telex firmware can handle also different speeds of machines in one system.
But machine should be ITA2, fitted with a "TW39 Fernschaltgerät" (dialer unit) and an answerback device.
henning +++

925302 treu d - T1000Z (Hauptanschluss)
55571 fvler a - T100S
210911za hmb d - T150 (Werkstatt)
218308 test d - T1000S/LS (Werkstatt)
925333 =treu d (Minitelex Sanyo SF100) defekt
Fax G2/G3: 05176-9754481 (Sanyo SF100 Thermofax) defekt

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Multiple I-TELEX calling Numbers - Teletype Model 15


Beitrag: # 46557Beitrag M1ECY »

Hi Bambi,

Henning has described how it works.

So each machine has it's own interface port (so on a twin TW39 card, you can have two machines) likewise on most of the other interfaces.

If your model 15 has a control unit that works with TW39 then great, should be easy to do. However, Answerback is maybe not found on a USA Specification machine - not ideal, but shouldn't be a reason not to use it.

669089 Siemen G - T100S Online 24H
299709 Antosh G - Creed 444 - Double Current R + D (0800 - 2100) and a bit tempremental
459724 NC

Topic author
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Registriert: Mi 19. Okt 2022, 04:57
Hauptanschluß: 27387

Multiple I-TELEX calling Numbers - Teletype Model 15


Beitrag: # 46558Beitrag bambi »

Thank you everyone. For the Answerback I am exploring using an Arduino to send that, and manually hitting a button on it for HERE IS.
It is a work in progress. I don't expect the TT-15 to be connected on standby - more a manual use terminal I think.
byes bambi
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