Bringing up a T1000S

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Registriert: Di 7. Jun 2016, 09:45
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Re: Bringing up a T1000S


Beitrag: # 25361Beitrag DF3OE »

I would recommend to install original type of batteries, Lithium and NiMh directly on the board.
They are still available on the Internet or from Reichelt Elektronik.

Here you find the Service manual in German.
There is is also described how to programm Time and Date and Answerback/Kennungsgeber.

This manual can be found normally in our download section which is closed for new members.
But to get your machine working I will make an exception and hope not to find the manual on any other
other download sites afterwards...

Good luck!
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Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich beim Autor DF3OE für den Beitrag (Insgesamt 2):
henning +++

925302 treu d - T1000Z (Hauptanschluss)
55571 fvler a - T100S
210911za hmb d - T150 (Werkstatt)
218308 test d - T1000S/LS (Werkstatt)
925333 =treu d (Minitelex Sanyo SF100) defekt
Fax G2/G3: 05176-9754481 (Sanyo SF100 Thermofax) defekt

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Re: Bringing up a T1000S


Beitrag: # 25370Beitrag levend »


Thanks for the manual - I will keep it private - I don't really have other forums to share :)
I also came to have a question: is T1000S always using ED1000 protocol, or it's possible that TW39 is supported?
Best regards,
Budapest, HU
Siemens T100 - 482254 schda d
ZB T100 - 73468 nycip h
Siemens T1000S - 1604188 elek h - not working at the moment

Beiträge: 3519
Registriert: Di 7. Jun 2016, 09:45
Wohnort: Edemissen - Blumenhagen
Hauptanschluß: 925302 treu d

Re: Bringing up a T1000S


Beitrag: # 25371Beitrag DF3OE »

It depends on your line interface board.
When your machine was in use in Hungary it is quite possible that a TW39 board is installed.
henning +++

925302 treu d - T1000Z (Hauptanschluss)
55571 fvler a - T100S
210911za hmb d - T150 (Werkstatt)
218308 test d - T1000S/LS (Werkstatt)
925333 =treu d (Minitelex Sanyo SF100) defekt
Fax G2/G3: 05176-9754481 (Sanyo SF100 Thermofax) defekt

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Re: Bringing up a T1000S


Beitrag: # 25377Beitrag levend »

Any idea how to check the kind of the line interface board? maybe it's trivial, but I don't even know where it's placed in the machine.
Best regards,
Budapest, HU
Siemens T100 - 482254 schda d
ZB T100 - 73468 nycip h
Siemens T1000S - 1604188 elek h - not working at the moment

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Re: Bringing up a T1000S


Beitrag: # 25380Beitrag levend »

Little progress!
I was able to remove the monitor unit, and then remove a card. Was this the line interface board?
It was installed in this location, between the printer assembly and the power supply:
As suggested by DF3OE I want to install the original batteries - but I have no idea how to get to their location. Also please help me, how can I open up the main assembly? I suspect it's trivial, but I just cant find a way. No screws on the bottom, no nothing :/
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Best regards,
Budapest, HU
Siemens T100 - 482254 schda d
ZB T100 - 73468 nycip h
Siemens T1000S - 1604188 elek h - not working at the moment

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Re: Bringing up a T1000S


Beitrag: # 25382Beitrag levend »

I just cant find out, how can you open up the machine like here on the second picture:
Best regards,
Budapest, HU
Siemens T100 - 482254 schda d
ZB T100 - 73468 nycip h
Siemens T1000S - 1604188 elek h - not working at the moment

Beiträge: 3519
Registriert: Di 7. Jun 2016, 09:45
Wohnort: Edemissen - Blumenhagen
Hauptanschluß: 925302 treu d

Re: Bringing up a T1000S


Beitrag: # 25383Beitrag DF3OE »

It looks like a Double Current interface board. Can you identify the board number somewhere? It should be printed at the edge of the board.
The batteries are on the bottom board under the memory board.
Disassembly of the whole machine is easy. You just need a screwdriver to unlock some of the "clock screws",
nothing else. The machine is very service friendly.
henning +++

925302 treu d - T1000Z (Hauptanschluss)
55571 fvler a - T100S
210911za hmb d - T150 (Werkstatt)
218308 test d - T1000S/LS (Werkstatt)
925333 =treu d (Minitelex Sanyo SF100) defekt
Fax G2/G3: 05176-9754481 (Sanyo SF100 Thermofax) defekt

Topic author
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Wohnort: Budapest, HU
Hauptanschluß: 73468

Re: Bringing up a T1000S


Beitrag: # 25384Beitrag levend »

Serial number of the board is: S22717-B511-A101 GS6 EGB BC/T12 8
About disassembly: finally made a progress:
For further reference, these are the screws had turned to upen up the assembly
And the battery part, already vandalized:
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Best regards,
Budapest, HU
Siemens T100 - 482254 schda d
ZB T100 - 73468 nycip h
Siemens T1000S - 1604188 elek h - not working at the moment

Beiträge: 3519
Registriert: Di 7. Jun 2016, 09:45
Wohnort: Edemissen - Blumenhagen
Hauptanschluß: 925302 treu d

Re: Bringing up a T1000S


Beitrag: # 25385Beitrag DF3OE »

Now I took a closer look to the board. It is definitely a double current interface. +/- 60 volts, 20mA
At electronic machines even lower voltages should work though.
Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich beim Autor DF3OE für den Beitrag:
henning +++

925302 treu d - T1000Z (Hauptanschluss)
55571 fvler a - T100S
210911za hmb d - T150 (Werkstatt)
218308 test d - T1000S/LS (Werkstatt)
925333 =treu d (Minitelex Sanyo SF100) defekt
Fax G2/G3: 05176-9754481 (Sanyo SF100 Thermofax) defekt

Topic author
Rank 2
Rank 2
Beiträge: 65
Registriert: Mo 10. Mai 2021, 23:25
Wohnort: Budapest, HU
Hauptanschluß: 73468

Re: Bringing up a T1000S


Beitrag: # 25390Beitrag levend »

For further reference, the NiMH battery for the machine: Oval type, 3.6V 140 mAh. Can be bought from here

The Lithium is already missing, so I have no information on it - could you please share?
Best regards,
Budapest, HU
Siemens T100 - 482254 schda d
ZB T100 - 73468 nycip h
Siemens T1000S - 1604188 elek h - not working at the moment

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