ADO steckerbelegung siemens T1000 Thema ist als GELÖST markiert


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Re: ADO steckerbelegung siemens T1000


Beitrag: # 26381Beitrag DF3OE »

Yes, double current means kind of high level RS232 , +/- 60V loop.

But you should provide a photo of your line interface board.
You can implement photos here as a file attachment.
henning +++

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Re: ADO steckerbelegung siemens T1000


Beitrag: # 26388Beitrag Ruud »

I have send a ms to the moderators because I do not have rights to upload pictures Henning....:-(

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Re: ADO steckerbelegung siemens T1000


Beitrag: # 26390Beitrag wyssby »

Strange to me!
I'm on "Verified User" level also and are able to post pictures and files to the forum.

What I usually do:
When in write/answer modus entering text and I like to add a picture/file, I have to attach a file (the pictures in standard picture formats). To do this, at the bottom of the window, I select Datenanhänge (Attachments) and click on Dateien zufügen.
This will open another window, which allows me to select the source (take a picture, select a file ...) and then the file itself.

Then I like to click Im Beitrag anzeigen to make the picture entry or the download field with the file visible in my text.
Also adding a comment to it might be a good idea.

Take care and wait ... Depending on the size of the file, it will take same time until it is completely uploaded and those buttons appear.

I hope this will give you some hints for your further trials :jajas:
Liebe Grüße
Beat Wyss - CH-4304 Giebenach BL

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Re: ADO steckerbelegung siemens T1000


Beitrag: # 26393Beitrag Ruud »

wyssby hat geschrieben: Fr 9. Jul 2021, 18:33 Strange to me!
I'm on "Verified User" level also and are able to post pictures and files to the forum.

What I usually do:
When in write/answer modus entering text and I like to add a picture/file, I have to attach a file (the pictures in standard picture formats). To do this, at the bottom of the window, I select Datenanhänge (Attachments) and click on Dateien zufügen.
This will open another window, which allows me to select the source (take a picture, select a file ...) and then the file itself.

Then I like to click Im Beitrag anzeigen to make the picture entry or the download field with the file visible in my text.
Also adding a comment to it might be a good idea.

Take care and wait ... Depending on the size of the file, it will take same time until it is completely uploaded and those buttons appear.

I hope this will give you some hints for your further trials :jajas:
Thank you for the info, I can see the button now. I am at work doing nightshift at the moment, as soon as I get home I will post some pictures of the T1000....

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Re: ADO steckerbelegung siemens T1000


Beitrag: # 26394Beitrag Ruud »


I have read through the "Beschreibung i-Telex" and on p18 Tabelle 6 is a list of the AD08-dose. Is that the standard pinout or is this specially for i-Telex usage. I hope it is the standard pinout because in this case I only have to figure out pins 7 and 8 for TTY....

greetzzz Ruud PD0RH

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Re: ADO steckerbelegung siemens T1000


Beitrag: # 26398Beitrag Ruud »

Hello everyone,

Below the promised pictures of the Siemens T1000 and its ADo8 connector, wich in my opinion is very important to know wich pin does what....
From Henk PA8DPD I recieved his pinout list because he opened up his connector of his T1000 with current loop (TW39).
Pin 1 – white
Pin 2 – brown
Pin 3 – yellow
Pin 4 – green
Pin 5 – red
Pin 6 – blue
Pin 7 – pink
Pin 8 – gray

He is also struggling with connecting to i-Telex with either a T1000 or a T100, hope that someone can help me (us)....
Thanks in advance.....

Ruud PD0RH
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Re: ADO steckerbelegung siemens T1000


Beitrag: # 26401Beitrag 380170JFK »

Hallo Ruud

het zou zo kunnen zijn zoals ik je al in 2019 per mail geschreven had, de "standaard" Aansluitingen.

Zendkontakt - Sendekontakt Sender = SK = a = Wit Weiss White pin 1
Zendkontakt - Sendekontakt Sender = SK = b = Bruin Braun brown pin 2
Ontvangstmagneet - Empfangsmagnet - receiver = EM = c = Geel Gelb yellow pin 3
Ontvangstmagneet - Empfangsmagnet - receiver = EM = w2 = Groen Grün Green pin 4
Brug - Brücke Bridge Pin 2 - Pin 3
Brug - Brücke Bridge Pin 5 - Pin 6

Pin 7 - 8 moet je maar kijken waar die naartoe gaan, is meestal een bijzondere functie / reverse engineering look where they are going
Nette Grüße , Vriendelijke Groeten , Un caro Saluto , Kind Regards Johannes

FW 979

JTerm USB Serial Terminal Software

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The other teleprinters are randomly online, with or without an answerback, just try your luck   :thumbsup:

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Re: ADO steckerbelegung siemens T1000


Beitrag: # 26408Beitrag Ruud »

380170JFK hat geschrieben: Sa 10. Jul 2021, 16:22 Hallo Ruud

het zou zo kunnen zijn zoals ik je al in 2019 per mail geschreven had, de "standaard" Aansluitingen.

Zendkontakt - Sendekontakt Sender = SK = a = Wit Weiss White pin 1
Zendkontakt - Sendekontakt Sender = SK = b = Bruin Braun brown pin 2
Ontvangstmagneet - Empfangsmagnet - receiver = EM = c = Geel Gelb yellow pin 3
Ontvangstmagneet - Empfangsmagnet - receiver = EM = w2 = Groen Grün Green pin 4
Brug - Brücke Bridge Pin 2 - Pin 3
Brug - Brücke Bridge Pin 5 - Pin 6

Pin 7 - 8 moet je maar kijken waar die naartoe gaan, is meestal een bijzondere functie / reverse engineering look where they are going

Hallo Johannes,

Heel erg bedankt voor de reminder Johannes, jouw email is met de tijd verdwenen mede omdat het werk aan boord een hele lange tijd stil heeft gestaan. We gaan de boel aansluiten zoals je aangegeven hebt, en dan kijken we of het werkt.
Hoewel ik de lijnstroom van -60v en +60v in jouw lijstje wel mis......enig idee? Er wordt nl gebruik gemaakt van een RTTY converter.
Ik zal het resultaat hier melden..met foto's en als het lukt een filmpje.....

Met vriendelijk groet,

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Re: ADO steckerbelegung siemens T1000


Beitrag: # 26479Beitrag Ruud »

Does anyone else has an opinion on the pictures that I have posted ???? :wat:

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Re: ADO steckerbelegung siemens T1000


Beitrag: # 26490Beitrag dk6zk »

Hello Ruud,

once again: A lot of changes have been made to the machine and with the information so far it is nearly impossible to provide advice on repairs.

1. ADo-Plug
Wires have been disconnected from the ADo-Plug, the "normal" connection of the 8 wires to the Plug is:
1=white, 2=brown, 3=yellow, 4=green, 5=grey, 6=pink, 7=blue, 8=red
(looked up at a T1000, ED1000-Interface, German Telex Net)

In your picture can be seen the blue and red wire cut, pin 1 (white wire) seems to be re-soldered, pin 4 (green) looks like original..

2. The colored ribbon cabel shows something being modified, what ever!

3. The "A...1..." key normally doesn't appear on Telex-Machines, it can be found on machines that were used for radio applications, for example the military version of T1000 (T1000Z), but here at a different postion in the switchboard.

4. As I allready wrote in my last post:
Extract the interface unit (the board with the two transformers) and make photos of BOTH sides.
For an identification it is necessay to have all numbers printed on the circuit board on both sides!!!
Maybe then Henning can give more infos about it.

5. Find out what changes have been made, what doesn'l look "original", what connections are made with the colored ribbon cabel...
Beste Grüße

211110 opdr d - LO3000 - Service: h24 (Hauptanschluss)
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