My First « Near Working » Teletype ASR-33

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Re: My First « Near Working » Teletype ASR-33


Beitrag: # 37732Beitrag Baderbahn »

Hello Theo,

First, I want to ask, whether you have already replaced the rubber on the hammer? This is one of the most important steps in bringing a ASR33 back to live. If it won't be replaced, there's a high risk to damage the printing-barrel seriously!

I just removed the remains of the old rubber, cut out two round pieces of an old tire- tube and super-glued them onto the metal of the hammer.

Furthermore be careful when opening up the keyboard! There's a lot of stuff going on there, what easily (!) can break.

Last but not least, it's very (!) Easy and rather cheap to use the machines (especially this type of) not via I-Telex but via PiTelex as the encoding is more or less stupid 7 bit serial. If you can acquire an 20mA to Serial(RS232) adaptor what is capable of 110 Baud, you just plug it in your Pi, configure it as serial device for PiTelex and voilà: you have a working ASCII Teletype.

Best regards,

P.S. in theory, it's even possible to direct wire the teletype to the Pi's GPIOs just with a few resistors, due to the fact, that it even don't really need the 20mA current loop.
After it works in local mode, I can tell you, how to do ;)
Viele Grüße,
Simon / Baderbahn

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Re: My First « Near Working » Teletype ASR-33


Beitrag: # 37737Beitrag KraftwerkNation63 »

Hi Everyone,

Thanks for your answers.

So today, i have a bad news. I have try during 2 days to make the Teletype working, at the level of the keyboard, with a "superficial cleaning". Like you have describe to me. Unfortunatly, the problem was the same. So, i have take the decision to "remove" the keyboard, with a lot of precaution. I have take movie, pictures of all i have touch.

The keyboard was "stuck" with a mix of oil and dirty dust. I have clean it, but after the reassembly. Only the touche "here is" and "brake" works. All other don't works. So, to be honest with you. I don't want to lost your time. I have the sensation that i have not the skill to "restaure" a teleprinter. And more a teleprinter with a lot of "electrical things".

So, in view to the low "market" in France to this type of machine. I begin to think that the more simple for you and me, is to buy a machine that have been restaured, and in working condition to a person on this forum.

I"m really disappointed because i work in collection stuff. I restaure phonograph. Normally i have the sense of the mechanical thing. But in this condition i'm lost..

What do you thing of my idea?

PS: To be honest with you the ASR-33 is to late for me. I prefer early machine.

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Re: My First « Near Working » Teletype ASR-33


Beitrag: # 37747Beitrag M1ECY »

Hi Theo,

Hmm, part of the joy of collecting and using teleprinters and old technology is developing the skills to look after them.

Yes, it is frustrating that when you try some basic tasks the problem gets worse, but you have all the documentation, and as you say, you work with phonographs, so there is the same skillset needed to repair most faults on a telex machine.

Certainly there are members here that would offer you machines that are fully working, but like all machines with moving parts, you need to maintain them to keep that way.

I have only been collecting telex equipment for about 5 years, I still do not know everything - learning these skills takes time.

So, taking the keyboard out probably means that some code bars are now misaligned - this will be all that is wrong - try to work through the problem - post pictures, questions, and wait for answers - we do not have so many members in France, so we cannot send someone over to help you directly.

If you are feeling brave and want to join us at Ham Radio 2023 in Friedrichschafen, then I will be happy to help you look at the machine, but this is a 750km journey for you and your machine :)

There is vast knowledge here, and we are willing to help you, but you need to have some willpower and tenacity - the machine will work - there's nothing that cannot be repaired.

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Re: My First « Near Working » Teletype ASR-33


Beitrag: # 37748Beitrag Baderbahn »

The Teletype ASR33 is a little bit different to other Teletypes - especially in the Keyboard area. But basically it can be repaired, if you are willing to.

Please check out CuriousMarc's videos about his restoration - I think, it could help you a lot!

Best regards,

P.S. Where are you located in France?

P.P.S. I saw your Location-marc in your profile... it's slightly more than just a "weekend trip"...
Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich beim Autor Baderbahn für den Beitrag:
Viele Grüße,
Simon / Baderbahn

Genealogie Lo200X
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Re: My First « Near Working » Teletype ASR-33


Beitrag: # 37808Beitrag KraftwerkNation63 »

Hi Sean,

I think you are right. Of course, this mechanical machine need regularly oiling and little maintenance but it is not the same of a complet restauration. Of course, all this these skills takes time...! It's true.

I have the wish to learn, but for a machine who the basis is correct and in way where i want to go. So, maybe buy a machine that i can love where the basis is correct. I'm really aware of your advices and kindness.

Thanks Simon too for the link. I will look it. If i can't fix it, i will take a decision, and keep you informed of it of course.

Thanks again

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Re: My First « Near Working » Teletype ASR-33


Beitrag: # 37809Beitrag Franz »

Good luck, Théo ........ don't give up ..... :thumbup: :yesyes: :thumbup: :thumbup:
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Re: My First « Near Working » Teletype ASR-33


Beitrag: # 37823Beitrag M1ECY »

Theo, While the ASR-33 isnt ideal from a Telex point of view, it is worth continuing with the machine - even if you decide not to keep it long term - the vintage computing collectors are known to pay a ridiculous price for a fully functioning 7 bit machine.

As I say, please add pictures, and good descriptions of the problems - remember, though the machine looks complicated, it is a number of simple systems that make the machine.

So, keyboard. before you removed it to clean, the keyboard functioned more than it does now. from this we can be sure that something has not gone back together correctly - this is something I have done several times on English machines - always it is one, or more of the code bars that are not engaged properly.

So, really look at the mechanism, take pictures of the connection point between keyboard and the main machine body, post them here, we might be able to spot the problem, or you might see it as you examine the system closely.

I realise that English is not your first language, so reading a technical manual in American English is probably an extra layer of complication, but I cannot say strongly enough, American documentation is really written so that a novice can read and understand how things should be and happen - studying this manual next to the machine really does help.

Hard as this sounds, you will get much more help if you choose to stick with this machine and really push hard to make it work, than you will if you keep changing the machine you have.

If you really want a machine that is almost certain to work, then a Siemens T100 is the way to go, but even these machines will need maintenance and some adjustment to make perfect.
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Re: My First « Near Working » Teletype ASR-33


Beitrag: # 37828Beitrag KraftwerkNation63 »

So, if I understand correctly that you says, if I change of machine again, (to found a machine that I love more, to put all my effort on it). I will have not help anymore on this forum. So. I will think on this words a little. I’m a little surprised to be honest.
PS: the Siemens look nice.
Have a good day.

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Re: My First « Near Working » Teletype ASR-33


Beitrag: # 37830Beitrag Franz »

Hello Théo....

The Siemens T-100 is a very robust machine with almost no problems.... and if there are any, you can easily fix them yourself with the help of the forum.
When I started here in the forum about 6 years ago, I had absolutely no idea about technology. In the meantime I have learned a lot and can solve "small" problems very well myself ...

Please don't give up hope, it's a lot of fun to send telexes within the community here ....

bonsoir et à bientôt ...
Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich beim Autor Franz für den Beitrag:
411898 bfsz d + T100 (Schmaltastatur :thumbsup: )
411744 eddd d + T100 (Schmaltastatur :thumbsup: )

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Re: My First « Near Working » Teletype ASR-33


Beitrag: # 37835Beitrag KraftwerkNation63 »

Hello Franz!

Thanks for your message. The only problem is to found one! :llach: Maybe buy a model in Germany? Here, in France, we found only Sagem SPE5… But too late for me…!

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